Source code for cooltools.lib.peaks

# This is the Python implementation of the peakdet algorithm.
import warnings
import numpy as np

[docs]def find_peak_prominence(arr, max_dist=None): """Find the local maxima of an array and their prominence. The prominence of a peak is defined as the maximal difference between the height of the peak and the lowest point in the range until a higher peak. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like max_dist : int If specified, the distance to the adjacent higher peaks is limited by `max_dist`. Returns ------- loc_max_poss : numpy.array The positions of local maxima of a given array. proms : numpy.array The prominence of the detected maxima. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) n = len(arr) max_dist = len(arr) if max_dist is None else int(max_dist) # Finding all local minima and maxima (i.e. points the are lower/higher than # both immediate non-nan neighbors). arr_nonans = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] idxs_nonans2idx = np.arange(arr.size)[~np.isnan(arr)] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) is_min_left = np.r_[False, arr_nonans[:-1] > arr_nonans[1:]] is_min_right = np.r_[arr_nonans[:-1] < arr_nonans[1:], False] is_loc_min = is_min_left & is_min_right loc_min_poss = np.where(is_loc_min)[0] loc_min_poss = idxs_nonans2idx[loc_min_poss] is_max_left = np.r_[False, arr_nonans[:-1] < arr_nonans[1:]] is_max_right = np.r_[arr_nonans[:-1] > arr_nonans[1:], False] is_loc_max = is_max_left & is_max_right loc_max_poss = np.where(is_loc_max)[0] loc_max_poss = idxs_nonans2idx[loc_max_poss] # For each maximum, find the position of a higher peak on the left and # on the right. If there are no higher peaks within the `max_dist` range, # just use the position `max_dist` away. left_maxs = -1 * np.ones(len(loc_max_poss), dtype=np.int64) right_maxs = -1 * np.ones(len(loc_max_poss), dtype=np.int64) for i, pos in enumerate(loc_max_poss): for j in range(pos - 1, -1, -1): if (arr[j] > arr[pos]) or (pos - j > max_dist): left_maxs[i] = j break for j in range(pos + 1, n): if (arr[j] > arr[pos]) or (j - pos > max_dist): right_maxs[i] = j break # Find the prominence of each peak with respect of the lowest point # between the peak and the adjacent higher peaks, on the left and the right # separately. left_max_proms = np.array( [ ( arr[pos] - np.nanmin(arr[left_maxs[i] : pos]) if (left_maxs[i] >= 0) else np.nan ) for i, pos in enumerate(loc_max_poss) ] ) right_max_proms = np.array( [ ( arr[pos] - np.nanmin(arr[pos : right_maxs[i]]) if (right_maxs[i] >= 0) else np.nan ) for i, pos in enumerate(loc_max_poss) ] ) # In 1D, the topographic definition of the prominence of a peak reduces to # the minimum of the left-side and right-side prominence. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) max_proms = np.nanmin(np.vstack([left_max_proms, right_max_proms]), axis=0) # The global maximum, by definition, does not have higher peaks around it and # thus its prominence is explicitly defined with respect to the lowest local # minimum. This issue arises only if max_dist was not specified, otherwise # the prominence of the global maximum is already calculated with respect # to the lowest point within the `max_dist` range. # If no local minima are within the `max_dist` range, just use the # lowest point. global_max_mask = (left_maxs == -1) & (right_maxs == -1) if (global_max_mask).sum() > 0: global_max_idx = np.where(global_max_mask)[0][0] global_max_pos = loc_max_poss[global_max_idx] neighbor_loc_mins = (loc_min_poss >= global_max_pos - max_dist) & ( loc_min_poss < global_max_pos + max_dist ) if np.any(neighbor_loc_mins): max_proms[global_max_idx] = arr[global_max_pos] - np.nanmin( arr[loc_min_poss[neighbor_loc_mins]] ) else: max_proms[global_max_idx] = arr[global_max_pos] - np.nanmin( arr[max(global_max_pos - max_dist, 0) : global_max_pos + max_dist] ) return loc_max_poss, max_proms
[docs]def peakdet(arr, min_prominence): """Detect local peaks in an array. Finds a sequence of minima and maxima such that the two consecutive extrema have a value difference (i.e. a prominence) >= `min_prominence`. This is analogous to the definition of prominence in topography: The original peakdet algorithm was designed by Eli Billauer and described in (v. 3.4.05, Explicitly not copyrighted). This function is released to the public domain; Any use is allowed. The Python implementation was published by endolith on Github: . Here, we use the endolith's implementation with minimal to none modifications to the algorithm, but with significant changes in the interface and the documentation Parameters ---------- arr : array_like min_prominence : float The minimal prominence of detected extrema. Returns ------- maxidxs, minidx : numpy.array The indices of the maxima and minima in `arr`. """ maxidxs = [] minidxs = [] x = np.arange(len(arr)) arr = np.asarray(arr) if not np.isscalar(min_prominence): raise Exception("Input argument delta must be a scalar") if min_prominence <= 0: raise Exception("Input argument delta must be positive") mn, mx = np.inf, -np.inf mnpos, mxpos = np.nan, np.nan lookformax = True for i in np.arange(len(arr)): this = arr[i] if this > mx: mx = this mxpos = x[i] if this < mn: mn = this mnpos = x[i] if lookformax: if this < mx - min_prominence: maxidxs.append(mxpos) mn = this mnpos = x[i] lookformax = False else: if this > mn + min_prominence: minidxs.append(mnpos) mx = this mxpos = x[i] lookformax = True return np.array(minidxs), np.array(maxidxs)
[docs]def find_peak_prominence_iterative( arr, min_prom=None, max_prom=None, steps_prom=1000, log_space_proms=True, min_n_peak_pairs=5, ): """Finds the minima/maxima of an array using the peakdet algorithm at different values of the threshold prominence. For each location, returns the maximal threshold prominence at which it is called as a minimum/maximum. Note that this function is inferior in every aspect to find_peak_prominence. We keep it for testing purposes and will remove in the future. Parameters ---------- arr : array_like min_prom, max_prom : float The minimal and the maximal values of prominence to probe. If None, these values are inferred as the minimal and the maximal non-zero difference between any two elements of `v`. steps_prom : int The number of threshold prominence values to probe in the range between `min_prom` and `max_prom`. log_space_proms : bool If True, probe logarithmically spaced values of the threshold prominence in the range between `min_prom` and `max_prom`. min_n_peak_pairs : int If the number of detected minima/maxima at a certain threshold prominence is < `min_n_peak_pairs`, the detected peaks are ignored. Returns ------- minproms, maxproms : numpy.array The prominence of detected minima and maxima. """ if ((min_prom is None) and (max_prom is not None)) or ( (min_prom is not None) and (max_prom is None) ): raise Exception( "Please, provide either both min_prom and max_prom or " "none to infer these values from the data." ) if (min_prom is None) and (max_prom is None): arr_sorted = np.sort(arr) arr_sorted = arr_sorted[np.isfinite(arr_sorted)] max_prom = arr_sorted[-1] - arr_sorted[0] diffs = np.diff(arr_sorted) min_prom = diffs[diffs != 0].min() if log_space_proms: proms = 10 ** np.linspace(np.log10(min_prom), np.log10(max_prom), steps_prom) else: proms = np.linspace(min_prom, max_prom, steps_prom) minproms = np.nan * np.ones_like(arr) maxproms = np.nan * np.ones_like(arr) for p in proms: minidxs, maxidxs = peakdet(arr, p) if (len(minidxs) >= min_n_peak_pairs) and (len(minidxs) >= min_n_peak_pairs): valid_mins = minidxs[np.isfinite(arr[minidxs])] minproms[valid_mins] = p valid_maxs = maxidxs[np.isfinite(arr[maxidxs])] maxproms[valid_maxs] = p return minproms, maxproms