Source code for cooltools.lib.numutils

import warnings
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy.ndimage import zoom, gaussian_filter1d
import numpy as np
import numba
import cooler
from functools import partial

from ._numutils import (
    iterative_correction_symmetric as _iterative_correction_symmetric,
    observed_over_expected as _observed_over_expected,

[docs]def get_diag(arr, i=0): """Get the i-th diagonal of a matrix. This solution was borrowed from """ return arr.ravel()[ max(i, -arr.shape[1] * i) : max(0, (arr.shape[1] - i)) * arr.shape[1] : arr.shape[1] + 1 ]
[docs]def set_diag(arr, x, i=0, copy=False): """ Rewrite the i-th diagonal of a matrix with a value or an array of values. Supports 2D arrays, square or rectangular. In-place by default. Parameters ---------- arr : 2-D array Array whose diagonal is to be filled. x : scalar or 1-D vector of correct length Values to be written on the diagonal. i : int, optional Which diagonal to write to. Default is 0. Main diagonal is 0; upper diagonals are positive and lower diagonals are negative. copy : bool, optional Return a copy. Diagonal is written in-place if false. Default is False. Returns ------- Array with diagonal filled. Notes ----- Similar to numpy.fill_diagonal, but allows for kth diagonals as well. This solution was borrowed from """ if copy: arr = arr.copy() start = max(i, -arr.shape[1] * i) stop = max(0, (arr.shape[1] - i)) * arr.shape[1] step = arr.shape[1] + 1 arr.flat[start:stop:step] = x return arr
[docs]def fill_diag(arr, x, i=0, copy=True): """Identical to set_diag, but returns a copy by default""" return set_diag(arr, x, i, copy)
[docs]def fill_na(arr, value=0, copy=True): """Replaces np.nan entries in an array with the provided value. Parameters ---------- arr : np.array value : float copy : bool, optional If True, creates a copy of x, otherwise replaces values in-place. By default, True. """ if copy: arr = arr.copy() arr[np.isnan(arr)] = value return arr
[docs]def dist_to_mask(mask, side="min"): """ Calculate the distance to the nearest True element of an array. Parameters ---------- mask : iterable of bool A boolean array. side : str The side . Accepted values are: 'left' : calculate the distance to the nearest True value on the left 'right' : calculate the distance to the nearest True value on the right 'min' : calculate the distance to the closest True value 'max' : calculate the distance to the furthest of the two neighbouring True values Returns ------- dist: array of int Notes ----- The solution is borrowed from """ if side not in ["left", "right", "min", "max"]: raise ValueError("side can be `left`, `right`, `min` or `max`") if side == "min": return np.minimum( dist_to_mask(mask, side="left"), dist_to_mask(mask, side="right") ) if side == "max": return np.maximum( dist_to_mask(mask, side="left"), dist_to_mask(mask, side="right") ) mask = np.asarray(mask) if side == "right": mask = mask[::-1] d = np.diff(np.r_[0.0, np.cumsum(~mask)[mask]]) v = mask.astype(int).copy() v[mask] = d dist = (~mask).cumsum() - np.cumsum(v) return dist[::-1] if side == "right" else dist
[docs]def get_finite(arr): """ Select only finite elements of an array. """ return arr[np.isfinite(arr)]
[docs]def fill_inf(arr, pos_value=0, neg_value=0, copy=True): """Replaces positive and negative infinity entries in an array with the provided values. Parameters ---------- arr : np.array pos_value : float Fill value for np.inf neg_value : float Fill value for -np.inf copy : bool, optional If True, creates a copy of x, otherwise replaces values in-place. By default, True. """ if copy: arr = arr.copy() arr[np.isposinf(arr)] = pos_value arr[np.isneginf(arr)] = neg_value return arr
[docs]def fill_nainf(arr, value=0, copy=True): """Replaces np.nan and np.inf entries in an array with the provided value. Parameters ---------- arr : np.array value : float copy : bool, optional If True, creates a copy of x, otherwise replaces values in-place. By default, True. Notes ----- Differs from np.nan_to_num in that it replaces np.inf with the same number as np.nan. """ if copy: arr = arr.copy() arr[~np.isfinite(arr)] = value return arr
[docs]def interp_nan(a_init, pad_zeros=True, method="linear", verbose=False): """Linearly interpolate to fill NaN rows and columns in a matrix. Also interpolates NaNs in 1D arrays. Parameters ---------- a_init : np.array pad_zeros : bool, optional If True, pads the matrix with zeros to fill NaNs at the edges. By default, True. method : str, optional For 2D: "linear", "nearest", or "splinef2d" For 1D: "linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic" Returns ------- array with NaNs linearly interpolated Notes ----- 1D case adapted from: 2D case assumes that entire rows or columns are masked & edges to be NaN-free, but is much faster than griddata implementation. """ shape = np.shape(a_init) if pad_zeros: a = np.zeros(tuple(s + 2 for s in shape)) a[tuple(slice(1, -1) for _ in shape)] = a_init else: a = np.array(a_init) if len(shape) == 2 and (shape[0] == 1 or shape[1] == 1): a = a.ravel() isnan = np.isnan(a) if np.sum(isnan) == 0: if verbose: print("no nans to interpolate") return a_init if a.ndim == 2: if verbose: print("interpolating 2D matrix") if np.any(isnan[:, 0] | isnan[:, -1]) or np.any(isnan[0, :] | isnan[-1, :]): raise ValueError("Edges must not have NaNs") # Rows/cols to be considered fully null may have non-NaN diagonals # so we'll take the maximum NaN count to identify them n_nans_by_row = np.sum(isnan, axis=1) n_nans_by_col = np.sum(isnan, axis=0) i_inds = np.where(n_nans_by_row < np.max(n_nans_by_row))[0] j_inds = np.where(n_nans_by_col < np.max(n_nans_by_col))[0] if np.sum(isnan[np.ix_(i_inds, j_inds)]) > 0: raise AssertionError("Found additional NaNs") interpolator = partial( scipy.interpolate.interpn, (i_inds, j_inds), a[np.ix_(i_inds, j_inds)], method=method, bounds_error=False, ) else: if verbose: print("interpolating 1D vector") inds = np.arange(len(a)) interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( inds[~isnan], a[~isnan], kind=method, bounds_error=False ) loc = np.where(isnan) a[loc] = interpolator(loc) if pad_zeros: a = a[tuple(slice(1, -1) for _ in shape)] return a
[docs]def slice_sorted(arr, lo, hi): """Get the subset of a sorted array with values >=lo and <hi. A faster version of arr[(arr>=lo) & (arr<hi)] """ return arr[np.searchsorted(arr, lo) : np.searchsorted(arr, hi)]
[docs]def MAD(arr, axis=None, has_nans=False): """Calculate the Median Absolute Deviation from the median. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Input data. axis : int The axis along which to calculate MAD. has_nans : bool If True, use the slower NaN-aware method to calculate medians. """ if has_nans: return np.nanmedian(np.abs(arr - np.nanmedian(arr, axis)), axis) else: return np.median(np.abs(arr - np.median(arr, axis)), axis)
[docs]def COMED(xs, ys, has_nans=False): """Calculate the comedian - the robust median-based counterpart of Pearson's r. :: comedian = median((xs-median(xs))*(ys-median(ys))) / MAD(xs) / MAD(ys) Parameters ---------- has_nans : bool if True, mask (x,y) pairs with at least one NaN Notes ----- Citations: "On MAD and comedians" by Michael Falk (1997), "Robust Estimation of the Correlation Coefficient: An Attempt of Survey" by Georgy Shevlyakov and Pavel Smirnov (2011) """ if has_nans: mask = np.isfinite(xs) & np.isfinite(ys) xs = xs[mask] ys = ys[mask] med_x = np.median(xs) med_y = np.median(ys) comedian = np.median((xs - med_x) * (ys - med_y)) / MAD(xs) / MAD(ys) return comedian
[docs]def normalize_score(arr, norm="z", axis=None, has_nans=True): """Normalize an array by subtracting the first moment and dividing the residual by the second. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Input data. norm : str The type of normalization. 'z' - report z-scores, norm_arr = (arr - mean(arr)) / std(arr) 'mad' - report deviations from the median in units of MAD (Median Absolute Deviation from the median), norm_arr = (arr - median(arr)) / MAD(arr) 'madz' - report robust z-scores, i.e. estimate the mean as the median and the standard error as MAD / 0.67499, norm_arr = (arr - median(arr)) / MAD(arr) * 0.67499 axis : int The axis along which to calculate the normalization parameters. has_nans : bool If True, use slower NaN-aware methods to calculate the normalization parameters. """ norm_arr = np.copy(arr) norm = norm.lower() if norm == "z": if has_nans: norm_arr -= np.nanmean(norm_arr, axis=axis) norm_arr /= np.nanstd(norm_arr, axis=axis) else: norm_arr -= np.mean(norm_arr, axis=axis) norm_arr /= np.std(norm_arr, axis=axis) elif norm == "mad" or norm == "madz": if has_nans: norm_arr -= np.nanmedian(norm_arr, axis=axis) else: norm_arr -= np.median(norm_arr, axis=axis) norm_arr /= MAD(norm_arr, axis=axis, has_nans=has_nans) if norm == "madz": norm_arr *= 0.67449 else: raise ValueError("Unknown norm type: {}".format(norm)) return norm_arr
[docs]def stochastic_sd(arr, n=10000, seed=0): """Estimate the standard deviation of an array by considering only the subset of its elements. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of elements to consider. If the array contains fewer elements, use all. seed : int The seed for the random number generator. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) if arr.size < n: return np.sqrt(arr.var()) else: return np.sqrt( np.random.RandomState(seed).choice(arr.flat, n, replace=True).var() )
[docs]def is_symmetric(mat): """ Check if a matrix is symmetric. """ maxDiff = np.abs(mat - mat.T).max() return maxDiff < stochastic_sd(mat) * 1e-7 + 1e-5
[docs]def get_eig(mat, n=3, mask_zero_rows=False, subtract_mean=False, divide_by_mean=False): """Perform an eigenvector decomposition. Parameters ---------- mat : np.ndarray A square matrix, must not contain nans, infs or zero rows. n : int The number of eigenvectors to return. Output is backfilled with NaNs when n exceeds the size of the input matrix. mask_zero_rows : bool If True, mask empty rows/columns before eigenvector decomposition. Works only with symmetric matrices. subtract_mean : bool If True, subtract the mean from the matrix. divide_by_mean : bool If True, divide the matrix by its mean. Returns ------- eigvecs : np.ndarray An array of eigenvectors (in rows), sorted by a decreasing absolute eigenvalue. eigvals : np.ndarray An array of sorted eigenvalues. """ symmetric = is_symmetric(mat) if ( symmetric and np.sum(np.sum(np.abs(mat), axis=0) == 0) > 0 and not mask_zero_rows ): warnings.warn( "The matrix contains empty rows/columns and is symmetric. " "Mask the empty rows with remove_zeros=True" ) # size of the input matrix n_rows = mat.shape[0] if n > n_rows: warnings.warn( "Number n of requested eigenvalues is larger than the matrix size." ) if mask_zero_rows: if not is_symmetric(mat): raise ValueError("The input matrix must be symmetric!") mask = np.sum(np.abs(mat), axis=0) != 0 mat_collapsed = mat[mask, :][:, mask] eigvecs_collapsed, eigvals = get_eig( mat_collapsed, n=n, mask_zero_rows=False, subtract_mean=subtract_mean, divide_by_mean=divide_by_mean, ) eigvecs = np.full((n, n_rows), np.nan) for i in range(n): eigvecs[i][mask] = eigvecs_collapsed[i] return eigvecs, eigvals else: mat = mat.astype(np.float64, copy=True) # make a copy, ensure float # prepare NaN-filled arrays for output in case we requested # more eigenvalues that can be computed (eigs/eigsh k limits) eigvals = np.full(n, np.nan) eigvecs = np.full((n, n_rows), np.nan) mean = np.mean(mat) if subtract_mean: mat -= mean if divide_by_mean: mat /= mean if symmetric: # adjust requested number of eigvals for "eigsh" _n = n if n < n_rows else (n_rows - 1) _eigvals, _eigvecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(mat, _n) else: # adjust requested number of eigvals for "eigs" _n = n if n < (n_rows - 1) else (n_rows - 2) _eigvals, _eigvecs = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(mat, _n) # reorder according to eigvals and copy into output arrays order = np.argsort(-np.abs(_eigvals)) eigvals[:_n] = _eigvals[order] eigvecs[:_n, :] = _eigvecs.T[order] return eigvecs, eigvals
@numba.njit def _logbins_numba(lo, hi, ratio=0, N=0, prepend_zero=False): """Make bins with edges evenly spaced in log-space. Parameters ---------- lo, hi : int The span of the bins. ratio : float The target ratio between the upper and the lower edge of each bin. Either ratio or N must be specified. N : int The target number of bins. The resulting number of bins is not guaranteed. Either ratio or N must be specified. """ lo = int(lo) hi = int(hi) if ratio != 0: if N != 0: raise ValueError("Please specify N or ratio") N = np.log(hi / lo) / np.log(ratio) elif N == 0: raise ValueError("Please specify N or ratio") data10 = 10 ** np.linspace(np.log10(lo), np.log10(hi), int(N)) data10 = np.rint(data10) data10_int = np.sort(np.unique(data10)).astype(np.int_) assert data10_int[0] == lo assert data10_int[-1] == hi if prepend_zero: data10_int = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), data10_int)) return data10_int @numba.njit def observed_over_expected( matrix, mask=np.empty(shape=(0), dtype=np.bool_), dist_bin_edge_ratio=1.03 ): """ Normalize the contact matrix for distance-dependent contact decay. The diagonals of the matrix, corresponding to contacts between loci pairs with a fixed distance, are grouped into exponentially growing bins of distances; the diagonals from each bin are normalized by their average value. Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray A 2D symmetric matrix of contact frequencies. mask : np.ndarray A 1D or 2D mask of valid data. If 1D, it is interpreted as a mask of "good" bins. If 2D, it is interpreted as a mask of "good" pixels. dist_bin_edge_ratio : float The ratio of the largest and the shortest distance in each distance bin. Returns ------- OE : np.ndarray The diagonal-normalized matrix of contact frequencies. dist_bins : np.ndarray The edges of the distance bins used to calculate average distance-dependent contact frequency. sum_pixels : np.ndarray The sum of contact frequencies in each distance bin. n_pixels : np.ndarray The total number of valid pixels in each distance bin. """ N = matrix.shape[0] mask2d = np.empty(shape=(0, 0), dtype=np.bool_) if mask.ndim == 1: if mask.size > 0: mask2d = mask.reshape((1, -1)) * mask.reshape((-1, 1)) elif mask.ndim == 2: # Numba expects mask to be a 1d array, so we need to hint # that it is now a 2d array mask2d = mask.reshape((int(np.sqrt(mask.size)), int(np.sqrt(mask.size)))) else: raise ValueError("The mask must be either 1D or 2D.") data = np.copy(matrix).astype(np.float64) has_mask = mask2d.size > 0 dist_bins = _logbins_numba(1, N, dist_bin_edge_ratio) dist_bins = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), dist_bins)) n_pixels_arr = np.zeros_like(dist_bins[1:]) sum_pixels_arr = np.zeros_like(dist_bins[1:], dtype=np.float64) bin_idx, n_pixels, sum_pixels = 0, 0, 0 for bin_idx, lo, hi in zip( range(len(dist_bins) - 1), dist_bins[:-1], dist_bins[1:] ): sum_pixels = 0 n_pixels = 0 for offset in range(lo, hi): for j in range(0, N - offset): if not has_mask or mask2d[offset + j, j]: sum_pixels += data[offset + j, j] n_pixels += 1 n_pixels_arr[bin_idx] = n_pixels sum_pixels_arr[bin_idx] = sum_pixels if n_pixels == 0: continue mean_pixel = sum_pixels / n_pixels if mean_pixel == 0: continue for offset in range(lo, hi): for j in range(0, N - offset): if not has_mask or mask2d[offset + j, j]: data[offset + j, j] /= mean_pixel if offset > 0: data[j, offset + j] /= mean_pixel return data, dist_bins, sum_pixels_arr, n_pixels_arr @numba.jit(nopython=True) def iterative_correction_symmetric( x, max_iter=1000, ignore_diags=0, tol=1e-5, verbose=False ): """The main method for correcting DS and SS read data. By default does iterative correction, but can perform an M-time correction Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray A symmetric matrix to correct. max_iter : int The maximal number of iterations to take. ignore_diags : int The number of diagonals to ignore during iterative correction. tol : float If less or equal to zero, will perform max_iter iterations. Returns ------- _x : np.ndarray Corrected matrix totalBias : np.ndarray Vector with corrections biases report : (bool, int) A tuple that reports convergence status and used number of iterations """ N = len(x) _x = x.copy() if ignore_diags > 0: for d in range(0, ignore_diags): for j in range(0, N - d): _x[j, j + d] = 0 _x[j + d, j] = 0 totalBias = np.ones(N, np.double) converged = False iternum = 0 mask = np.sum(_x, axis=1) == 0 for iternum in range(max_iter): s = np.sum(_x, axis=1) mask = s == 0 s = s / np.mean(s[~mask]) s[mask] = 1 s -= 1 s *= 0.8 s += 1 totalBias *= s for i in range(N): for j in range(N): _x[i, j] /= s[i] * s[j] crit = np.var(s) # np.abs(s - 1).max() if verbose: print(crit) if (tol > 0) and (crit < tol): converged = True break corr = totalBias[~mask].mean() # mean correction factor _x = _x * corr * corr # renormalizing everything totalBias /= corr report = (converged, iternum) return _x, totalBias, report @numba.jit(nopython=True) def iterative_correction_asymmetric(x, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-5, verbose=False): """Adapted from iterative_correction_symmetric Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray An asymmetric matrix to correct. max_iter : int The maximal number of iterations to take. ignore_diags : int The number of diagonals to ignore during iterative correction. tol : float If less or equal to zero, will perform max_iter iterations. Returns ------- _x : np.ndarray Corrected matrix totalBias : np.ndarray Vector with corrections biases for columns totalBias2 : np.ndarray Vector with corrections biases for rows report : (bool, int) A tuple that reports convergence status and used number of iterations """ N2, N = x.shape _x = x.copy() totalBias = np.ones(N, np.double) totalBias2 = np.ones(N2, np.double) iternum = 0 mask = np.sum(_x, axis=0) == 0 mask2 = np.sum(_x, axis=1) == 0 for iternum in range(max_iter): s = np.sum(_x, axis=0) mask = s == 0 s = s / np.mean(s[~mask]) s[mask] = 1.0 s -= 1.0 s *= 0.8 s += 1.0 totalBias *= s s2 = np.sum(_x, axis=1) mask2 = s2 == 0 s2 = s2 / np.mean(s2[~mask2]) s2[mask2] = 1.0 s2 -= 1.0 s2 *= 0.8 s2 += 1.0 totalBias2 *= s2 # _x = _x / s[:, None] / s[None,:] # an explicit cycle is 2x faster here for i in range(N2): for j in range(N): _x[i, j] /= s[j] * s2[i] crit = np.var(s) # np.abs(s - 1).max() crit2 = np.var(s2) # np.abs(s - 1).max() if verbose: print(crit) if (tol > 0) and (crit < tol) and (crit2 < tol): converged = True break corr = totalBias[~mask].mean() # mean correction factor corr2 = totalBias2[~mask2].mean() # mean correction factor _x = _x * corr * corr2 # renormalizing everything totalBias /= corr totalBias2 /= corr2 report = (converged, iternum) return _x, totalBias, totalBias2, report class LazyToeplitz(cooler.core._IndexingMixin): """ A Toeplitz matrix can be represented with one row and one column. This lazy toeplitz object supports slice querying to construct dense matrices on the fly. """ def __init__(self, c, r=None): if r is None: r = c elif c[0] != r[0]: raise ValueError("First element of `c` and `r` should match") self._c = c self._r = r @property def shape(self): return (len(self._c), len(self._r)) def __getitem__(self, key): slc0, slc1 = self._unpack_index(key) i0, i1 = self._process_slice(slc0, self.shape[0]) j0, j1 = self._process_slice(slc1, self.shape[1]) C, R = self._c, self._r # symmetric query if (i0 == j0) and (i1 == j1): c = C[0 : (i1 - i0)] r = R[0 : (j1 - j0)] # asymmetric query else: transpose = False # tril if j0 < i0 or (i0 == j0 and i1 < j1): # tranpose the matrix, query, # then transpose the result i0, i1, j0, j1 = j0, j1, i0, i1 C, R = R, C transpose = True c = np.r_[R[(j0 - i0) : max(0, j0 - i1) : -1], C[0 : max(0, i1 - j0)]] r = R[(j0 - i0) : (j1 - i0)] if transpose: c, r = r, c return toeplitz(c, r)
[docs]def get_kernel(w, p, ktype): """ Return typical kernels given size parameteres w, p,and kernel type. Parameters ---------- w : int Outer kernel size (actually half of it). p : int Inner kernel size (half of it). ktype : str Name of the kernel type, could be one of the following: 'donut', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'lowleft', 'upright'. Returns ------- kernel : ndarray A square matrix of int type filled with 1 and 0, according to the kernel type. """ width = 2 * w + 1 kernel = np.ones((width, width), dtype=np.int64) # mesh grid: y, x = np.ogrid[-w : w + 1, -w : w + 1] if ktype == "donut": # mask inner pXp square: mask = (((-p) <= x) & (x <= p)) & (((-p) <= y) & (y <= p)) # mask vertical and horizontal # lines of width 1 pixel: mask += (x == 0) | (y == 0) # they are all 0: kernel[mask] = 0 elif ktype == "vertical": # mask outside of vertical line # of width 3: mask = ((-1 > x) | (x > 1)) & ((y >= -w)) # mask inner pXp square: mask += ((-p <= x) & (x <= p)) & ((-p <= y) & (y <= p)) # kernel masked: kernel[mask] = 0 elif ktype == "horizontal": # mask outside of horizontal line # of width 3: mask = ((-1 > y) | (y > 1)) & ((x >= -w)) # mask inner pXp square: mask += ((-p <= x) & (x <= p)) & ((-p <= y) & (y <= p)) # kernel masked: kernel[mask] = 0 # ACHTUNG!!! UPRIGHT AND LOWLEFT ARE SWITCHED ... # IT SEEMS FOR UNKNOWN REASON THAT IT SHOULD # BE THAT WAY ... # OR IT'S A MISTAKE IN hIccups AS WELL ... elif ktype == "upright": # mask inner pXp square: mask = ((x >= -p)) & ((y <= p)) mask += x >= 0 mask += y <= 0 # kernel masked: kernel[mask] = 0 elif ktype == "lowleft": # mask inner pXp square: mask = ((x >= -p)) & ((y <= p)) mask += x >= 0 mask += y <= 0 # reflect that mask to # make it upper-right: mask = mask[::-1, ::-1] # kernel masked: kernel[mask] = 0 else: raise ValueError("Kernel-type {} has not been implemented yet".format(ktype)) return kernel
[docs]def coarsen(reduction, x, axes, trim_excess=False): """ Coarsen an array by applying reduction to fixed size neighborhoods. Adapted from `dask.array.coarsen` to work on regular numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- reduction : function Function like np.sum, np.mean, etc... x : np.ndarray Array to be coarsened axes : dict Mapping of axis to coarsening factor trim_excess : bool, optional Remove excess elements. Default is False. Examples -------- Provide dictionary of scale per dimension >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) >>> coarsen(np.sum, x, {0: 2}) array([ 3, 7, 11]) >>> coarsen(np.max, x, {0: 3}) array([3, 6]) >>> x = np.arange(24).reshape((4, 6)) >>> x array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]]) >>> coarsen(np.min, x, {0: 2, 1: 3}) array([[ 0, 3], [12, 15]]) See also -------- dask.array.coarsen """ # Insert singleton dimensions if they don't exist already for i in range(x.ndim): if i not in axes: axes[i] = 1 if trim_excess: ind = tuple( slice(0, -(d % axes[i])) if d % axes[i] else slice(None, None) for i, d in enumerate(x.shape) ) x = x[ind] # (10, 10) -> (5, 2, 5, 2) newdims = [(x.shape[i] // axes[i], axes[i]) for i in range(x.ndim)] newshape = tuple(np.concatenate(newdims)) reduction_axes = tuple(range(1, x.ndim * 2, 2)) return reduction(x.reshape(newshape), axis=reduction_axes)
[docs]def smooth(y, box_pts): try: from astropy.convolution import convolve except ImportError: raise ImportError("The astropy module is required to use this function") box = np.ones(box_pts) / box_pts # also: None, fill, wrap, extend y_smooth = convolve(y, box, boundary="extend") return y_smooth
[docs]def infer_mask2D(mat): if mat.shape[0] != mat.shape[1]: raise ValueError("matix must be symmetric!") fill_na(mat, value=0, copy=False) sum0 = np.sum(mat, axis=0) > 0 mask = sum0[:, None] * sum0[None, :] return mask
[docs]def remove_good_singletons(mat, mask=None, returnMask=False): mat = mat.copy() if mask is None: mask = infer_mask2D(mat) badBins = np.sum(mask, axis=0) == 0 goodBins = badBins == 0 good_singletons = (goodBins * smooth(goodBins, 3)) == 1 / 3 mat[good_singletons, :] = np.nan mat[:, good_singletons] = np.nan mask[good_singletons, :] = 0 mask[:, good_singletons] = 0 if returnMask: return mat, mask else: return mat
[docs]def interpolate_bad_singletons( mat, mask=None, fillDiagonal=True, returnMask=False, secondPass=True, verbose=False ): """Interpolate singleton missing bins for visualization Examples -------- >>> ax = plt.subplot(121) >>> maxval = np.log(np.nanmean(np.diag(mat,3))*2 ) >>> plt.matshow(np.log(mat)), vmax=maxval, fignum=False) >>> plt.set_cmap('fall'); >>> plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) >>> plt.matshow( ... np.log(interpolate_bad_singletons(remove_good_singletons(mat))), ... vmax=maxval, ... fignum=False ... ) >>> plt.set_cmap('fall'); >>> """ mat = mat.copy() if mask is None: mask = infer_mask2D(mat) antimask = ~mask badBins = np.sum(mask, axis=0) == 0 singletons = (badBins * smooth(badBins == 0, 3)) > 1 / 3 bb_minus_singletons = (badBins.astype("int8") - singletons.astype("int8")).astype( "bool" ) mat[antimask] = np.nan locs = np.zeros(np.shape(mat)) locs[singletons, :] = 1 locs[:, singletons] = 1 locs[bb_minus_singletons, :] = 0 locs[:, bb_minus_singletons] = 0 locs = np.nonzero(locs) # np.isnan(mat)) interpvals = np.zeros(np.shape(mat)) if verbose: print("initial pass to interpolate:", len(locs[0])) for loc in zip(locs[0], locs[1]): i, j = loc if loc[0] > loc[1]: if ( (loc[0] > 0) and (loc[1] > 0) and (loc[0] < len(mat) - 1) and (loc[1] < len(mat) - 1) ): interpvals[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i - 1, j - 1], mat[i + 1, j + 1]]) elif loc[0] == 0: interpvals[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i, j - 1], mat[i, j + 1]]) elif loc[1] == 0: interpvals[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i - 1, j], mat[i + 1, j]]) elif loc[0] == (len(mat) - 1): interpvals[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i, j - 1], mat[i, j + 1]]) elif loc[1] == (len(mat) - 1): interpvals[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i - 1, j], mat[i + 1, j]]) interpvals = interpvals + interpvals.T mat[locs] = interpvals[locs] mask[locs] = 1 if secondPass: locs = np.nonzero(np.isnan(interpvals)) # np.isnan(mat)) interpvals2 = np.zeros(np.shape(mat)) if verbose: print("still remaining: ", len(locs[0])) for loc in zip(locs[0], locs[1]): i, j = loc if loc[0] > loc[1]: if ( (loc[0] > 0) and (loc[1] > 0) and (loc[0] < len(mat) - 1) and (loc[1] < len(mat) - 1) ): interpvals2[i, j] = np.nanmean( [mat[i - 1, j - 1], mat[i + 1, j + 1]] ) elif loc[0] == 0: interpvals2[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i, j - 1], mat[i, j + 1]]) elif loc[1] == 0: interpvals2[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i - 1, j], mat[i + 1, j]]) elif loc[0] == (len(mat) - 1): interpvals2[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i, j - 1], mat[i, j + 1]]) elif loc[1] == (len(mat) - 1): interpvals2[i, j] = np.nanmean([mat[i - 1, j], mat[i + 1, j]]) interpvals2 = interpvals2 + interpvals2.T mat[locs] = interpvals2[locs] mask[locs] = 1 if fillDiagonal: for i in range(-1, 2): set_diag(mat, np.nan, i=i, copy=False) for i in range(-1, 2): set_diag(mask, 0, i=i, copy=False) if returnMask: return mat, mask else: return mat
[docs]def zoom_array( in_array, final_shape, same_sum=False, zoom_function=partial(zoom, order=1), **zoom_kwargs ): """Rescale an array or image. Normally, one can use scipy.ndimage.zoom to do array/image rescaling. However, scipy.ndimage.zoom does not coarsegrain images well. It basically takes nearest neighbor, rather than averaging all the pixels, when coarsegraining arrays. This increases noise. Photoshop doesn't do that, and performs some smart interpolation-averaging instead. If you were to coarsegrain an array by an integer factor, e.g. 100x100 -> 25x25, you just need to do block-averaging, that's easy, and it reduces noise. But what if you want to coarsegrain 100x100 -> 30x30? Then my friend you are in trouble. But this function will help you. This function will blow up your 100x100 array to a 120x120 array using scipy.ndimage zoom Then it will coarsegrain a 120x120 array by block-averaging in 4x4 chunks. It will do it independently for each dimension, so if you want a 100x100 array to become a 60x120 array, it will blow up the first and the second dimension to 120, and then block-average only the first dimension. (Copied from mirnylib.numutils) Parameters ---------- in_array : ndarray n-dimensional numpy array (1D also works) final_shape : shape tuple resulting shape of an array same_sum : bool, optional Preserve a sum of the array, rather than values. By default, values are preserved zoom_function : callable By default, scipy.ndimage.zoom with order=1. You can plug your own. **zoom_kwargs : Options to pass to zoomFunction. Returns ------- rescaled : ndarray Rescaled version of in_array """ in_array = np.asarray(in_array, dtype=np.double) in_shape = in_array.shape assert len(in_shape) == len(final_shape) mults = [] # multipliers for the final coarsegraining for i in range(len(in_shape)): if final_shape[i] < in_shape[i]: mults.append(int(np.ceil(in_shape[i] / final_shape[i]))) else: mults.append(1) # shape to which to blow up temp_shape = tuple([i * j for i, j in zip(final_shape, mults)]) # stupid zoom doesn't accept the final shape. Carefully crafting the # multipliers to make sure that it will work. zoom_multipliers = np.array(temp_shape) / np.array(in_shape) + 0.0000001 assert zoom_multipliers.min() >= 1 # applying scipy.ndimage.zoom rescaled = zoom_function(in_array, zoom_multipliers, **zoom_kwargs) for ind, mult in enumerate(mults): if mult != 1: sh = list(rescaled.shape) assert sh[ind] % mult == 0 newshape = sh[:ind] + [sh[ind] // mult, mult] + sh[ind + 1 :] rescaled.shape = newshape rescaled = np.mean(rescaled, axis=ind + 1) assert rescaled.shape == final_shape if same_sum: extra_size = / rescaled /= extra_size return rescaled
[docs]def adaptive_coarsegrain(ar, countar, cutoff=5, max_levels=8, min_shape=8): """ Adaptively coarsegrain a Hi-C matrix based on local neighborhood pooling of counts. Parameters ---------- ar : array_like, shape (n, n) A square Hi-C matrix to coarsegrain. Usually this would be a balanced matrix. countar : array_like, shape (n, n) The raw count matrix for the same area. Has to be the same shape as the Hi-C matrix. cutoff : float, optional A minimum number of raw counts per pixel required to stop 2x2 pooling. Larger cutoff values would lead to a more coarse-grained, but smoother map. 3 is a good default value for display purposes, could be lowered to 1 or 2 to make the map less pixelated. Setting it to 1 will only ensure there are no zeros in the map. max_levels : int, optional How many levels of coarsening to perform. It is safe to keep this number large as very coarsened map will have large counts and no substitutions would be made at coarser levels. min_shape : int, optional Stop coarsegraining when coarsegrained array shape is less than that. Returns ------- Smoothed array, shape (n, n) Notes ----- The algorithm works as follows: First, it pads an array with NaNs to the nearest power of two. Second, it coarsens the array in powers of two until the size is less than minshape. Third, it starts with the most coarsened array, and goes one level up. It looks at all 4 pixels that make each pixel in the second-to-last coarsened array. If the raw counts for any valid (non-NaN) pixel are less than ``cutoff``, it replaces the values of the valid (4 or less) pixels with the NaN-aware average. It is then applied to the next (less coarsened) level until it reaches the original resolution. In the resulting matrix, there are guaranteed to be no zeros, unless very large zero-only areas were provided such that zeros were produced ``max_levels`` times when coarsening. Examples -------- >>> c = cooler.Cooler("/path/to/some/cooler/at/about/2000bp/resolution") >>> # sample region of about 6000x6000 >>> mat = c.matrix(balance=True).fetch("chr1:10000000-22000000") >>> mat_raw = c.matrix(balance=False).fetch("chr1:10000000-22000000") >>> mat_cg = adaptive_coarsegrain(mat, mat_raw) >>> plt.figure(figsize=(16,7)) >>> ax = plt.subplot(121) >>> plt.imshow(np.log(mat), vmax=-3) >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.subplot(122, sharex=ax, sharey=ax) >>> plt.imshow(np.log(mat_cg), vmax=-3) >>> plt.colorbar() """ def _coarsen(ar, operation=np.sum): """Coarsegrains an array by a factor of 2""" M = ar.shape[0] // 2 newar = np.reshape(ar, (M, 2, M, 2)) cg = operation(newar, axis=1) cg = operation(cg, axis=2) return cg def _expand(ar, counts=None): """ Performs an inverse of nancoarsen """ N = ar.shape[0] * 2 newar = np.zeros((N, N)) newar[::2, ::2] = ar newar[1::2, ::2] = ar newar[::2, 1::2] = ar newar[1::2, 1::2] = ar return newar # defining arrays, making sure they are floats ar = np.asarray(ar, float) countar = np.asarray(countar, float) # TODO: change this to the nearest shape correctly counting the smallest # shape the algorithm will reach Norig = ar.shape[0] Nlog = np.log2(Norig) if not np.allclose(Nlog, np.rint(Nlog)): newN = int(2 ** np.ceil(Nlog)) # next power-of-two sized matrix newar = np.empty((newN, newN), dtype=float) # fitting things in there newar[:] = np.nan newcountar = np.zeros((newN, newN), dtype=float) newar[:Norig, :Norig] = ar newcountar[:Norig, :Norig] = countar ar = newar countar = newcountar armask = np.isfinite(ar) # mask of "valid" elements countar[~armask] = 0 ar[~armask] = 0 assert np.isfinite(countar).all() assert countar.shape == ar.shape # We will be working with three arrays. ar_cg = [ar] # actual Hi-C data countar_cg = [countar] # counts contributing to Hi-C data (raw Hi-C reads) armask_cg = [armask] # mask of "valid" pixels of the heatmap # 1. Forward pass: coarsegrain all 3 arrays for i in range(max_levels): if countar_cg[-1].shape[0] > min_shape: countar_cg.append(_coarsen(countar_cg[-1])) armask_cg.append(_coarsen(armask_cg[-1])) ar_cg.append(_coarsen(ar_cg[-1])) # Get the most coarsegrained array ar_cur = ar_cg.pop() countar_cur = countar_cg.pop() armask_cur = armask_cg.pop() # 2. Reverse pass: replace values starting with most coarsegrained array # We have 4 pixels that were coarsegrained to one pixel. # Let V be the array of values (ar), and C be the array of counts of # valid pixels. Then the coarsegrained values and valid pixel counts # are: # V_{cg} = V_{0,0} + V_{0,1} + V_{1,0} + V_{1,1} # C_{cg} = C_{0,0} + C_{0,1} + C_{1,0} + C_{1,1} # The average value at the coarser level is V_{cg} / C_{cg} # The average value at the finer level is V_{0,0} / C_{0,0}, etc. # # We would replace 4 values with the average if counts for either of the # 4 values are less than cutoff. To this end, we perform nanmin of raw # Hi-C counts in each 4 pixels # Because if counts are 0 due to this pixel being invalid - it's fine. # But if they are 0 in a valid pixel - we replace this pixel. # If we decide to replace the current 2x2 square with coarsegrained # values, we need to make it produce the same average value # To this end, we would replace V_{0,0} with V_{cg} * C_{0,0} / C_{cg} and # so on. for i in range(len(countar_cg)): ar_next = ar_cg.pop() countar_next = countar_cg.pop() armask_next = armask_cg.pop() # obtain current "average" value by dividing sum by the # of valid pixels val_cur = ar_cur / armask_cur # expand it so that it is the same shape as the previous level val_exp = _expand(val_cur) # create array of substitutions: multiply average value by counts addar_exp = val_exp * armask_next # make a copy of the raw Hi-C array at current level countar_next_mask = np.array(countar_next) countar_next_mask[armask_next == 0] = np.nan # fill nans countar_exp = _expand(_coarsen(countar_next, operation=np.nanmin)) curmask = countar_exp < cutoff # replacement mask ar_next[curmask] = addar_exp[curmask] # procedure of replacement ar_next[armask_next == 0] = 0 # now setting zeros at invalid pixels # prepare for the next level ar_cur = ar_next countar_cur = countar_next armask_cur = armask_next ar_next[armask_next == 0] = np.nan ar_next = ar_next[:Norig, :Norig] return ar_next
[docs]def robust_gauss_filter( ar, sigma=2, functon=gaussian_filter1d, kwargs=None ): """ Implements an edge-handling mode for gaussian filter that basically ignores the edge, and also handles NaNs. Parameters ---------- ar : array-like Input array sigma : float sigma to be passed to the filter function : callable Filter to use. Default is gauusian_filter1d kwargs : dict Additional args to pass to the filter. Default:None Notes ----- Available edge-handling modes in ndimage.filters attempt to somehow "extrapolate" the edge value and then apply the filter (see That's likely because convolve uses fast fourier transform, which requires the kernel to be constant. Here we design a better edge-handling for the gaussian smoothing. In a gaussian-filtered array, a pixel away from the edge is a mean of nearby pixels with gaussian weights. With this mode, pixels near start/end are also a mean of nearby pixels with gaussian weights. That's it. If we encounter NANs, we also simply ignore them, following the same definition: mean of nearby valid pixels. Yes, it raises the weights for the first/last pixels, because now only a part of the whole gaussian is being used (up to 1/2 for the first/last pixel and large sigma). But it preserves the "mean of nearby pixels" definition. It is different from padding with zeros (it would drag the first pixel down to be more like zero). It is also different from "nearest" - that gives too much weight to the first/last pixel. To achieve this smoothing, we preform regular gaussian smoothing using mode="constant" (pad with zeros). Then we take an array of valid pixels and smooth it the same way. This calculates how many "average valid pixels" contributed to each point of a smoothed array. Dividing one by the other achieves the desired result. """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} ar = np.asarray(ar, dtype=float) mask = np.isfinite(ar) ar[~mask] = 0 a = functon(ar, sigma=sigma, mode="constant", **kwargs) b = functon(1.0 * mask, sigma=sigma, mode="constant", **kwargs) return a / b
[docs]def weighted_groupby_mean(df, group_by, weigh_by, mode="mean"): """ Weighted mean, std, and std in log space for a dataframe.groupby Parameters ---------- df : dataframe Dataframe to groupby group_by : str or list Columns to group by weight_by : str Column to use as weights mode : "mean", "std" or "logstd" Do the weighted mean, the weighted standard deviaton, or the weighted std in log-space from the mean-log value (useful for P(s) etc.) """ if type(group_by) == str: group_by = [group_by] gr = df.groupby(group_by) if mode == "mean": def wstd(x): return np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, weigh_by]) wm = wstd elif mode == "std": def wstd(x): wm = np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, weigh_by]) dev = x - wm res = np.sqrt(np.average(dev ** 2, weights=df.loc[x.index, weigh_by])) return res wm = wstd elif mode == "logstd": def wstd(x): x = np.log(x) wm = np.average(x, weights=df.loc[x.index, weigh_by]) dev = x - wm res = np.sqrt(np.average(dev ** 2, weights=df.loc[x.index, weigh_by])) return np.exp(res) wm = wstd else: raise NotImplementedError f = {} for i in df.columns: if i in group_by: continue elif i == weigh_by: f[i] = ["sum"] else: f[i] = [wm] agg = gr.agg(f) agg.columns = [i[0] for i in agg.columns] return agg
[docs]def persistent_log_bins(end=10, bins_per_order_magnitude=10): """ Creates most nicely looking log-spaced integer bins starting at 1, with the defined number of bins per order of magnitude. Parameters ---------- end : number (int recommended) log10 of the last value. It is safe to put a large value here and select your range of bins later. bins_per_order_magnitude : int >0 how many bins per order of magnitude Notes ----- This is not a replacement for logbins, and it has a different purpose. Difference between this and logbins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Logbins creates bins from lo to hi, spaced logarithmically with an appriximate ratio. Logbins makes sure that the last bin is large (i.e. hi/ratio ... hi), and will not allow the last bin to be much less than ratio. It would slightly adjust the ratio to achieve that. As a result, by construciton, logbins bins are different for different lo or hi. This function is designed to create exactly the same bins that only depend on one parameter, bins_per_order_magnitude. The goal is to make things calculated for different datasets/organisms/etc. comparable. For example, if these bins are used, it would allow us to divide P(s) for two different organisms by each other because it was calculated for the same bins. The price you pay for such versatility is that the last bin can be much less than others in real application. For example, if you have 10 bins per order of magnitude (ratio of 1.25), but your data ends at 10500, then the only points in the last bin would be 10000..10500, 1/5 of what could be. This may make the last point noisy. The main part is done using np.logspace and rounding to the nearest integer, followed by unique. The gaps are then re-sorted to ensure that gaps are strictly increasing. The re-sorting of gaps was essential, and produced better results than manual adjustment. Alternatives that produce irregular bins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using np.unique(np.logspace(a,b,N,dtype=int)) can be sub-optimal For example, np.unique(np.logspace(0,1,11,dtype=int)) = [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10] Note the gaps jump from 1 to 2 back to 1 Similarly using np.unique(np.rint(np.logspace..)) can be suboptimal np.unique(np.array(np.rint(np.logspace(0,1,9)),dtype=int)) = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10] for bins_per_order_of_magnitude=16, 10 is not in bins. Other than that, 10, 100, 1000, etc. are always included. """ if end > 50: raise ValueError("End is a log10(max_value), not the max_value itself") bin_float = np.logspace(0, end, end * bins_per_order_magnitude + 1) bin_int = np.array(np.rint(bin_float), dtype=int) # rounding to the nearest int bins = np.unique(bin_int) # unique bins bins = np.cumsum( np.sort(np.r_[1, np.diff(bins)]) ) # re-ordering gaps (important step) return bins