Source code for cooltools.api.sample

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import cooler
import cooler.parallel
from .coverage import coverage
from ..lib.common import pool_decorator

[docs]def sample_pixels_approx(pixels, frac): pixels["count"] = np.random.binomial(pixels["count"], frac) mask = pixels["count"] > 0 if issubclass(type(pixels), pd.DataFrame): pixels = pixels[mask] elif issubclass(type(pixels), dict): pixels = {k: arr[mask] for k, arr in pixels.items()} return pixels
[docs]def sample_pixels_exact(pixels, count): cumcount = np.cumsum(np.asarray(pixels["count"])) total = cumcount[-1] n_pixels = cumcount.shape[0] # sample a given number of distinct contacts random_contacts = np.random.choice(total, size=count, replace=False) # find where those contacts live in the cumcount array loc = np.searchsorted(cumcount, random_contacts, side="right") # re-bin those locations to get new counts new_counts = np.bincount(loc, minlength=n_pixels) pixels["count"] = new_counts mask = pixels["count"] > 0 if issubclass(type(pixels), pd.DataFrame): pixels = pixels[mask] elif issubclass(type(pixels), dict): pixels = {k: arr[mask] for k, arr in pixels.items()} return pixels
def _extract_pixel_chunk(chunk): return chunk["pixels"]
[docs]@pool_decorator def sample( clr, out_clr_path, count=None, cis_count=None, frac=None, exact=False, chunksize=int(1e7), nproc=1, map_functor=map, ): """ Pick a random subset of contacts from a Hi-C map. Parameters ---------- clr : cooler.Cooler or str A Cooler or a path/URI to a Cooler with input data. out_clr_path : str A path/URI to the output. count : int The target number of contacts in the sample. Mutually exclusive with `cis_count` and `frac`. cis_count : int The target number of cis contacts in the sample. Mutually exclusive with `count` and `frac`. frac : float The target sample size as a fraction of contacts in the original dataset. Mutually exclusive with `count` and `cis_count`. exact : bool If True, the resulting sample size will exactly match the target value. Exact sampling will load the whole pixel table into memory! If False, binomial sampling will be used instead and the sample size will be randomly distributed around the target value. chunksize : int The number of pixels loaded and processed per step of computation. nproc : int, optional How many processes to use for calculation. Ignored if map_functor is passed. map_functor : callable, optional Map function to dispatch the matrix chunks to workers. If left unspecified, pool_decorator applies the following defaults: if nproc>1 this defaults to multiprocess.Pool; If nproc=1 this defaults the builtin map. """ if issubclass(type(clr), str): clr = cooler.Cooler(clr) if frac is not None and count is None and cis_count is None: pass elif frac is None and count is not None and cis_count is None: frac = count /["sum"] elif frac is None and count is None and cis_count is not None: # note division by two, since coverage() counts each side separately cis_total ="cis", np.sum(coverage(clr)[0] // 2, dtype=int)) frac = cis_count / cis_total else: raise ValueError( "Please specify exactly one argument among `count`, `cis_count`" " and `frac`" ) if frac > 1.0: raise ValueError( "The number of contacts in a sample cannot exceed " "that in the original dataset." ) if exact: count = np.round(frac *["sum"]).astype(int) pixels = sample_pixels_exact(clr.pixels()[:], count) cooler.create_cooler(out_clr_path, clr.bins()[:], pixels, ordered=True) else: pipeline = ( cooler.parallel.split( clr, include_bins=False, map=map_functor, chunksize=chunksize ) .pipe(_extract_pixel_chunk) .pipe(sample_pixels_approx, frac=frac) ) cooler.create_cooler( out_clr_path, clr.bins()[:][["chrom", "start", "end"]], iter(pipeline), ordered=True, )