Collection of classes and functions used for snipping and creation of pileups
(averaging of multiple small 2D regions)
The main user-facing function of this module is `pileup`, it performs pileups using
snippers and other functions defined in the module. The concept is the following:
- First, the provided features are annotated with the regions from a view (or simply
whole chromosomes, if no view is provided). They are assigned to the region that
contains it, or the one with the largest overlap.
- Then the features are expanded using the `flank` argument, and aligned to the bins
of the cooler
- Depending on the requested operation (whether the normalization to expected is
required), the appropriate snipper object is created
- A snipper can `select` a particular region of a genome-wide matrix, meaning it
stores its sparse representation in memory. This could be whole chromosomes or
chromosome arms, for example
- A snipper can `snip` a small area of a selected region, meaning it will extract
and return a dense representation of this area
- For each region present, it is first `select`ed, and then all features within it are
`snip`ped, creating a stack: a 3D array containing all snippets for this region
- For features that are not assigned to any region, an empty snippet is returned
- All per-region stacks are then combined into one, which then can be averaged to create
a single pileup
- The order of snippets in the stack matches the order of features, this way the stack
can also be used for analysis of any subsets of original features
This procedure achieves a good tradeoff between speed and RAM. Extracting each
individual snippet directly from disk would be extremely slow due to slow IO.
Extracting the whole chromosomes into dense matrices is not an option due to huge
memory requirements. As a warning, deeply sequenced data can still require a
substantial amount of RAM at high resolution even as a sparse matrix, but typically
it's not a problem.
from functools import partial
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ..lib.checks import (
from ..lib.common import assign_view_auto, make_cooler_view, pool_decorator
from ..lib.numutils import LazyToeplitz
import warnings
[docs]def expand_align_features(features_df, flank, resolution, format="bed"):
"""Short summary.
features_df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with feature coordinates.
flank : int
Flank size to add to the central bin of each feature.
resolution : int
Size of the bins to use.
format : str
"bed" or "bedpe" format: has to have 'chrom', 'start', 'end'
or 'chrom1', 'start1', 'end1', 'chrom2', 'start2', 'end1' columns, repectively.
DataFrame with features with new columns
"center", "orig_start" "orig_end"
or "center1", "orig_start1", "orig_end1",
"center2", "orig_start2", "orig_rank_end2", depending on format.
features_df = features_df.copy()
if format == "bed":
features_df[["orig_start", "orig_end"]] = features_df[["start", "end"]]
features_df["center"] = (features_df["start"] + features_df["end"]) / 2
features_df["lo"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center"] / resolution) - flank // resolution
features_df["hi"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center"] / resolution) + flank // resolution + 1
features_df["start"] = features_df["lo"] * resolution
features_df["end"] = features_df["hi"] * resolution
elif format == "bedpe":
["orig_start1", "orig_end1", "orig_start2", "orig_end2"]
] = features_df[["start1", "end1", "start2", "end2"]]
features_df["center1"] = (features_df["start1"] + features_df["end1"]) / 2
features_df["center2"] = (features_df["start2"] + features_df["end2"]) / 2
features_df["lo1"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center1"] / resolution) - flank // resolution
features_df["hi1"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center1"] / resolution) + flank // resolution + 1
features_df["start1"] = features_df["lo1"] * resolution
features_df["end1"] = features_df["hi1"] * resolution
features_df["lo2"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center2"] / resolution) - flank // resolution
features_df["hi2"] = (
np.floor(features_df["center2"] / resolution) + flank // resolution + 1
features_df["start2"] = features_df["lo2"] * resolution
features_df["end2"] = features_df["hi2"] * resolution
return features_df
[docs]def make_bin_aligned_windows(
Convert genomic loci into bin spans on a fixed bin-segmentation of a
genomic region. Window limits are adjusted to align with bin edges.
binsize : int
Bin size (resolution) in base pairs.
chroms : 1D array-like
Column of chromosome names.
centers_bp : 1D or nx2 array-like
If 1D, center points of each window. If 2D, the starts and ends.
flank_bp : int
Distance in base pairs to extend windows on either side.
region_start_bp : int, optional
If region is a subset of a chromosome, shift coordinates by this amount.
Default is 0.
DataFrame with columns:
'chrom' - chromosome
'start', 'end' - window limits in base pairs
'lo', 'hi' - window limits in bins
if not (flank_bp % binsize == 0):
raise ValueError("Flanking distance must be divisible by binsize.")
if isinstance(chroms, pd.Series) and not ignore_index:
index = chroms.index
index = None
chroms = np.asarray(chroms)
centers_bp = np.asarray(centers_bp)
if len(centers_bp.shape) == 2:
left_bp = centers_bp[:, 0]
right_bp = centers_bp[:, 1]
left_bp = right_bp = centers_bp
if np.any(left_bp > right_bp):
raise ValueError("Found interval with end > start.")
left = left_bp - region_start_bp
right = right_bp - region_start_bp
left_bin = (left / binsize).astype(int)
right_bin = (right / binsize).astype(int)
flank_bin = flank_bp // binsize
lo = left_bin - flank_bin
hi = right_bin + flank_bin + 1
windows = pd.DataFrame(index=index)
windows["chrom"] = chroms
windows["start"] = lo * binsize
windows["end"] = hi * binsize
windows["lo"] = lo.astype(int)
windows["hi"] = hi.astype(int)
return windows
def _extract_stack(data_select, data_snip, arg):
support, feature_group = arg
# return empty snippets if region is unannotated:
if len(support) == 0:
if "start" in feature_group: # on-diagonal off-region case:
lo = feature_group["lo"].values
hi = feature_group["hi"].values
s = (hi - lo).astype(int) # Shape of individual snips
assert s.max() == s.min(), "Pileup accepts only windows of the same size"
stack = np.full((len(feature_group), s[0], s[0]), np.nan)
else: # off-diagonal off-region case:
lo1 = feature_group["lo1"].values
hi1 = feature_group["hi1"].values
lo2 = feature_group["lo2"].values
hi2 = feature_group["hi2"].values
s1 = (hi1 - lo1).astype(int) # Shape of individual snips
s2 = (hi2 - lo2).astype(int)
assert s1.max() == s1.min(), "Pileup accepts only windows of the same size"
assert s2.max() == s2.min(), "Pileup accepts only windows of the same size"
stack = np.full((len(feature_group), s1[0], s2[0]), np.nan)
return stack, feature_group["_rank"].values
# check if support region is on- or off-diagonal
if len(support) == 2:
region1, region2 = support
region1 = region2 = support
# check if features are on- or off-diagonal
if "start" in feature_group:
s1 = feature_group["start"].values
e1 = feature_group["end"].values
s2, e2 = s1, e1
s1 = feature_group["start1"].values
e1 = feature_group["end1"].values
s2 = feature_group["start2"].values
e2 = feature_group["end2"].values
data = data_select(region1, region2)
stack = list(map(partial(data_snip, data, region1, region2), zip(s1, e1, s2, e2)))
stack = np.stack(stack)
return stack, feature_group["_rank"].values
def _pileup(features, data_select, data_snip, map=map):
Creates a stackup of snippets (a 3D array) by selecting each region present in the
`features` (using the `data_select` function) and then extracting all snippets from
the region (using `data_snip`).
Handles on-diagonal and off-diagonal cases.
Internal, so assumes correctly formatted input created by `pileup`.
features : DataFrame
Table of features. Requires columns ['chrom', 'start', 'end'].
Or ['chrom1', 'start1', 'end1', 'chrom1', 'start2', 'end2'].
start, end are bp coordinates.
lo, hi are bin coordinates.
data_select : callable
Callable that takes a region as argument and returns
the data, mask and bin offset of a support region
data_snip : callable
Callable that takes data, mask and a 2D bin span (lo1, hi1, lo2, hi2)
and returns a snippet from the selected support region
map : callable
Callable that works like builtin `map`.
if features["region"].isnull().any():
"Some features do not have view regions assigned! Some snips will be empty."
features = features.copy()
features["region"] = features["region"].fillna(
) # fill in unanotated view regions with empty string
features["_rank"] = range(len(features))
# cumul_stack = []
# orig_rank = []
cumul_stack, orig_rank = zip(
partial(_extract_stack, data_select, data_snip),
# Note that unannotated regions will form a separate group
features.groupby("region", sort=False),
# Restore the original rank of the input features
cumul_stack = np.concatenate(cumul_stack, axis=0)
orig_rank = np.concatenate(orig_rank)
idx = np.argsort(orig_rank)
cumul_stack = cumul_stack[idx, :, :]
return cumul_stack
[docs]class CoolerSnipper:
def __init__(self, clr, cooler_opts=None, view_df=None, min_diag=2):
"""Class for generating snips with "observed" data from a cooler
clr : cooler.Cooler
Cooler object with data to use
cooler_opts : dict, optional
Options to pass to the clr.matrix() method, by default None
Can be used to choose the cooler weight name, e.g.
cooler_opts={balance='non-standard-weight'}, or use unbalanced data with
view_df : pd.DataFrame, optional
Genomic view to constrain the analysis, by default None and uses all
chromosomes present in the cooler
min_diag : int, optional
This number of short-distance diagonals is ignored, by default 2
# get chromosomes from cooler, if view_df not specified:
if view_df is None:
view_df = make_cooler_view(clr)
# Make sure view_df is a proper viewframe
_ = is_compatible_viewframe(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
"view_df is not a valid viewframe or incompatible"
) from e
self.view_df = view_df.set_index("name")
self.clr = clr
self.binsize = self.clr.binsize
self.offsets = {}
self.diag_indicators = {}
self.pad = True
self.cooler_opts = {} if cooler_opts is None else cooler_opts
self.cooler_opts.setdefault("sparse", True)
if "balance" in self.cooler_opts:
if self.cooler_opts["balance"] is True:
self.clr_weight_name = "weight"
elif (
self.cooler_opts["balance"] is False
or self.cooler_opts["balance"] is None
self.clr_weight_name = None
self.clr_weight_name = self.cooler_opts["balance"]
self.clr_weight_name = "weight"
self.min_diag = min_diag
[docs] def select(self, region1, region2):
"""Select a portion of the cooler for snipping based on two regions in the view
In addition to returning the selected portion of the data, stores necessary
information about it in the snipper object for future snipping
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view
region2 : str
Name of another region from the view.
CSR matrix
Sparse matrix of the selected portion of the data from the cooler
region1_coords = self.view_df.loc[region1]
region2_coords = self.view_df.loc[region2]
self.offsets[region1] = self.clr.offset(region1_coords) - self.clr.offset(
self.offsets[region2] = self.clr.offset(region2_coords) - self.clr.offset(
matrix = self.clr.matrix(**self.cooler_opts).fetch(
region1_coords, region2_coords
if self.clr_weight_name:
self._isnan1 = np.isnan(
self._isnan2 = np.isnan(
self._isnan1 = np.zeros_like(
self._isnan2 = np.zeros_like(
if self.cooler_opts["sparse"]:
matrix = matrix.tocsr()
if self.min_diag is not None:
lo, hi = self.clr.extent(region1_coords)
diags = np.arange(hi - lo, dtype=np.int32)
self.diag_indicators[region1] = LazyToeplitz(-diags, diags)
return matrix
[docs] def snip(self, matrix, region1, region2, tup):
"""Extract a snippet from the matrix
Returns a NaN-filled array for out-of-bounds regions. Fills in NaNs based on the
cooler weight, if using balanced data. Fills NaNs in all diagonals below min_diag
matrix : SCR matrix
Output of the .select() method
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view corresponding to the matrix
region2 : str
Name of the other regions from the view corresponding to the matrix
tup : tuple
(start1, end1, start2, end2) coordinates of the requested snippet in bp
Requested snippet.
s1, e1, s2, e2 = tup
offset1 = self.offsets[region1]
offset2 = self.offsets[region2]
binsize = self.binsize
lo1, hi1 = (s1 // binsize) - offset1, (e1 // binsize) - offset1
lo2, hi2 = (s2 // binsize) - offset2, (e2 // binsize) - offset2
assert hi1 >= 0
assert hi2 >= 0
m, n = matrix.shape
dm, dn = hi1 - lo1, hi2 - lo2
out_of_bounds = False
pad_left = pad_right = pad_bottom = pad_top = None
if lo1 < 0:
pad_bottom = -lo1
out_of_bounds = True
if lo2 < 0:
pad_left = -lo2
out_of_bounds = True
if hi1 > m:
pad_top = dm - (hi1 - m)
out_of_bounds = True
if hi2 > n:
pad_right = dn - (hi2 - n)
out_of_bounds = True
if out_of_bounds:
i0 = max(lo1, 0)
i1 = min(hi1, m)
j0 = max(lo2, 0)
j1 = min(hi2, n)
snippet = np.full((dm, dn), np.nan)
# snippet[pad_bottom:pad_top,
# pad_left:pad_right] = matrix[i0:i1, j0:j1].toarray()
snippet = matrix[lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2].toarray().astype("float")
snippet[self._isnan1[lo1:hi1], :] = np.nan
snippet[:, self._isnan2[lo2:hi2]] = np.nan
if self.min_diag is not None:
D = self.diag_indicators[region1][lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2] < self.min_diag
snippet[D] = np.nan
return snippet
[docs]class ObsExpSnipper:
def __init__(
"""Class for generating expected-normalised snips from a cooler
clr : cooler.Cooler
Cooler object with data to use
expected : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe containing expected interactions in the cooler
cooler_opts : dict, optional
Options to pass to the clr.matrix() method, by default None
Can be used to choose the cooler weight name, e.g.
cooler_opts={balance='non-standard-weight'}, or use unbalanced data with
view_df : pd.DataFrame, optional
Genomic view to constrain the analysis, by default None and uses all
chromosomes present in the cooler
min_diag : int, optional
This number of short-distance diagonals is ignored, by default 2
expected_value_col : str, optional
Name of the column in the expected dataframe that contains the expected
interaction values, by default "balanced.avg"
self.clr = clr
self.expected = expected
self.expected_value_col = expected_value_col
# get chromosomes from cooler, if view_df not specified:
if view_df is None:
view_df = make_cooler_view(clr)
# Make sure view_df is a proper viewframe
_ = is_compatible_viewframe(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
"view_df is not a valid viewframe or incompatible"
) from e
# make sure expected is compatible
_ = is_valid_expected(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("provided expected is not valid") from e
self.view_df = view_df.set_index("name")
self.binsize = self.clr.binsize
self.offsets = {}
self.diag_indicators = {}
self.pad = True
self.cooler_opts = {} if cooler_opts is None else cooler_opts
self.cooler_opts.setdefault("sparse", True)
if "balance" in self.cooler_opts:
if self.cooler_opts["balance"] is True:
self.clr_weight_name = "weight"
elif (
self.cooler_opts["balance"] is False
or self.cooler_opts["balance"] is None
self.clr_weight_name = None
self.clr_weight_name = self.cooler_opts["balance"]
self.clr_weight_name = "weight"
self.min_diag = min_diag
[docs] def select(self, region1, region2):
"""Select a portion of the cooler for snipping based on two regions in the view
In addition to returning the selected portion of the data, stores necessary
information about it in the snipper object for future snipping
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view
region2 : str
Name of another region from the view.
CSR matrix
Sparse matrix of the selected portion of the data from the cooler
if not region1 == region2:
raise ValueError("ObsExpSnipper is implemented for cis contacts only.")
region1_coords = self.view_df.loc[region1]
region2_coords = self.view_df.loc[region2]
self.offsets[region1] = self.clr.offset(region1_coords) - self.clr.offset(
self.offsets[region2] = self.clr.offset(region2_coords) - self.clr.offset(
matrix = self.clr.matrix(**self.cooler_opts).fetch(
region1_coords, region2_coords
if self.cooler_opts["sparse"]:
matrix = matrix.tocsr()
if self.clr_weight_name:
self._isnan1 = np.isnan(
self._isnan2 = np.isnan(
self._isnan1 = np.zeros_like(
self._isnan2 = np.zeros_like(
self._expected = LazyToeplitz(
self.expected.groupby(["region1", "region2"])
.get_group((region1, region2))[self.expected_value_col]
if self.min_diag is not None:
lo, hi = self.clr.extent(region1_coords)
diags = np.arange(hi - lo, dtype=np.int32)
self.diag_indicators[region1] = LazyToeplitz(-diags, diags)
return matrix
[docs] def snip(self, matrix, region1, region2, tup):
"""Extract an expected-normalised snippet from the matrix
Returns a NaN-filled array for out-of-bounds regions. Fills in NaNs based on the
cooler weight, if using balanced data. Fills NaNs in all diagonals below min_diag
matrix : SCR matrix
Output of the .select() method
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view corresponding to the matrix
region2 : str
Name of the other regions from the view corresponding to the matrix
tup : tuple
(start1, end1, start2, end2) coordinates of the requested snippet in bp
Requested snippet.
s1, e1, s2, e2 = tup
offset1 = self.offsets[region1]
offset2 = self.offsets[region2]
binsize = self.binsize
lo1, hi1 = (s1 // binsize) - offset1, (e1 // binsize) - offset1
lo2, hi2 = (s2 // binsize) - offset2, (e2 // binsize) - offset2
assert hi1 >= 0
assert hi2 >= 0
m, n = matrix.shape
dm, dn = hi1 - lo1, hi2 - lo2
out_of_bounds = False
pad_left = pad_right = pad_bottom = pad_top = None
if lo1 < 0:
pad_bottom = -lo1
out_of_bounds = True
if lo2 < 0:
pad_left = -lo2
out_of_bounds = True
if hi1 > m:
pad_top = dm - (hi1 - m)
out_of_bounds = True
if hi2 > n:
pad_right = dn - (hi2 - n)
out_of_bounds = True
if out_of_bounds:
i0 = max(lo1, 0)
i1 = min(hi1, m)
j0 = max(lo2, 0)
j1 = min(hi2, n)
return np.full((dm, dn), np.nan)
# snippet[pad_bottom:pad_top,
# pad_left:pad_right] = matrix[i0:i1, j0:j1].toarray()
snippet = matrix[lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2].toarray().astype("float")
snippet[self._isnan1[lo1:hi1], :] = np.nan
snippet[:, self._isnan2[lo2:hi2]] = np.nan
e = self._expected[lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2]
if self.min_diag is not None:
D = self.diag_indicators[region1][lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2] < self.min_diag
snippet[D] = np.nan
return snippet / e
[docs]class ExpectedSnipper:
def __init__(
self, clr, expected, view_df=None, min_diag=2, expected_value_col="balanced.avg"
"""Class for generating expected snips
clr : cooler.Cooler
Cooler object to which the data corresponds
expected : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe containing expected interactions in the cooler
view_df : pd.DataFrame, optional
Genomic view to constrain the analysis, by default None and uses all
chromosomes present in the cooler
min_diag : int, optional
This number of short-distance diagonals is ignored, by default 2
expected_value_col : str, optional
Name of the column in the expected dataframe that contains the expected
interaction values, by default "balanced.avg"
self.clr = clr
self.expected = expected
self.expected_value_col = expected_value_col
# get chromosomes from cooler, if view_df not specified:
if view_df is None:
view_df = make_cooler_view(clr)
# Make sure view_df is a proper viewframe
_ = is_compatible_viewframe(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
"view_df is not a valid viewframe or incompatible"
) from e
# make sure expected is compatible
_ = is_valid_expected(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("provided expected is not valid") from e
self.view_df = view_df.set_index("name")
self.binsize = self.clr.binsize
self.offsets = {}
self.diag_indicators = {}
self.min_diag = min_diag
[docs] def select(self, region1, region2):
"""Select a portion of the expected matrix for snipping based on two regions
in the view
In addition to returning the selected portion of the data, stores necessary
information about it in the snipper object for future snipping
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view
region2 : str
Name of another region from the view.
CSR matrix
Sparse matrix of the selected portion of the data from the cooler
if not region1 == region2:
raise ValueError("ExpectedSnipper is implemented for cis contacts only.")
region1_coords = self.view_df.loc[region1]
region2_coords = self.view_df.loc[region2]
self.offsets[region1] = self.clr.offset(region1_coords) - self.clr.offset(
self.offsets[region2] = self.clr.offset(region2_coords) - self.clr.offset(
self.m = np.diff(self.clr.extent(region1_coords))
self.n = np.diff(self.clr.extent(region2_coords))
self._expected = LazyToeplitz(
self.expected.groupby(["region1", "region2"])
.get_group((region1, region2))[self.expected_value_col]
if self.min_diag is not None:
lo, hi = self.clr.extent(region1_coords)
diags = np.arange(hi - lo, dtype=np.int32)
self.diag_indicators[region1] = LazyToeplitz(-diags, diags)
return self._expected
[docs] def snip(self, exp, region1, region2, tup):
"""Extract an expected snippet
Returns a NaN-filled array for out-of-bounds regions.
Fills NaNs in all diagonals below min_diag
exp : SCR matrix
Output of the .select() method
region1 : str
Name of a region from the view corresponding to the matrix
region2 : str
Name of the other regions from the view corresponding to the matrix
tup : tuple
(start1, end1, start2, end2) coordinates of the requested snippet in bp
Requested snippet.
s1, e1, s2, e2 = tup
offset1 = self.offsets[region1]
offset2 = self.offsets[region2]
binsize = self.binsize
lo1, hi1 = (s1 // binsize) - offset1, (e1 // binsize) - offset1
lo2, hi2 = (s2 // binsize) - offset2, (e2 // binsize) - offset2
assert hi1 >= 0
assert hi2 >= 0
dm, dn = hi1 - lo1, hi2 - lo2
if lo1 < 0 or lo2 < 0 or hi1 > self.m or hi2 > self.n:
return np.full((dm, dn), np.nan)
snippet = exp[lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2]
if self.min_diag is not None:
D = self.diag_indicators[region1][lo1:hi1, lo2:hi2] < self.min_diag
snippet[D] = np.nan
return snippet
def pileup(
Pileup features over the cooler.
clr : cooler.Cooler
Cooler with Hi-C data
features_df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe in bed or bedpe format: has to have 'chrom', 'start', 'end'
or 'chrom1', 'start1', 'end1', 'chrom2', 'start2', 'end2' columns.
view_df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with the genomic view for this operation (has to match the
expected_df, if provided)
expected_df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with the expected level of interactions at different
genomic separations
expected_value_col : str
Name of the column in expected used for normalizing.
flank : int
How much to flank the center of the features by, in bp
min_diag: str or int
All diagonals of the matrix below this value are ignored. 'auto'
tries to extract the value used during the matrix balancing,
if it fails defaults to 2
clr_weight_name : str
Value of the column that contains the balancing weights
force : bool
Allows start>end in the features (not implemented)
nproc : int, optional
How many processes to use for calculation. Ignored if map_functor is passed.
map_functor : callable, optional
Map function to dispatch the matrix chunks to workers.
If left unspecified, pool_decorator applies the following defaults: if nproc>1 this defaults to multiprocess.Pool;
If nproc=1 this defaults the builtin map.
np.ndarray: a stackup of all snippets corresponding to the features, with shape
(n, D, D), where n is the number of snippets and (D, D) is the shape of each
if {"chrom", "start", "end"}.issubset(features_df.columns):
feature_type = "bed"
elif {"chrom1", "start1", "end1", "chrom2", "start2", "end1"}.issubset(
feature_type = "bedpe"
raise ValueError("Unknown feature_df format")
if view_df is None:
view_df = make_cooler_view(clr)
_ = is_compatible_viewframe(
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("view_df is not a valid viewframe or incompatible") from e
features_df = assign_view_auto(features_df, view_df)
# TODO: switch to bioframe.assign_view upon update
if flank is not None:
features_df = expand_align_features(
features_df, flank, clr.binsize, format=feature_type
features_df = features_df.copy()
if feature_type == "bed":
features_df["lo"] = (features_df["start"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
features_df["hi"] = (features_df["end"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
features_df["lo1"] = (features_df["start1"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
features_df["hi1"] = (features_df["end1"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
features_df["lo2"] = (features_df["start2"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
features_df["hi2"] = (features_df["end2"] / clr.binsize).astype(int)
if clr_weight_name not in [None, False]:
# check if cooler is balanced
_ = is_cooler_balanced(clr, clr_weight_name, raise_errors=True)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(
f"provided cooler is not balanced or {clr_weight_name} is missing"
) from e
if min_diag == "auto" and clr_weight_name not in [None, False]:
min_diag = dict(clr.open()[f"bins/{clr_weight_name}"].attrs).get(
"ignore_diags", 2
elif clr_weight_name in [None, False]:
min_diag = 2
# Find region offsets and then subtract them from the feature extents
region_offsets = view_df[["chrom", "start", "end"]].apply(clr.offset, axis=1)
region_offsets_dict = dict(zip(view_df["name"].values, region_offsets))
features_df["region_offset"] = features_df["region"].replace(region_offsets_dict)
if feature_type == "bed":
features_df[["lo", "hi"]] = (
features_df[["lo", "hi"]]
features_df[["lo1", "hi1"]] = (
features_df[["lo1", "hi1"]]
features_df[["lo2", "hi2"]] = (
features_df[["lo2", "hi2"]]
# TODO move view, expected and other checks in the user-facing functions, add tests
if expected_df is None:
snipper = CoolerSnipper(
cooler_opts={"balance": clr_weight_name},
snipper = ObsExpSnipper(
cooler_opts={"balance": clr_weight_name},
stack = _pileup(features_df, snipper.select, snipper.snip, map=map_functor)
if feature_type == "bed":
stack = np.fmax(stack, np.transpose(stack, axes=(0, 2, 1)))
return stack