Source code for cooltools.api.dotfinder

Collection of functions related to dot-calling

The main user-facing API function is:

.. code-block:: python


This function implements HiCCUPS-style dot calling, but enables user-specified
modifications at multiple steps. The current implementation makes two passes
over the input data, first to create a histogram of pixel enrichment values, 
and second to extract significantly enriched pixels.

- The function starts with compatibility verifications   
- Recommendation or verification for `kernels` is done next.  
  Custom kernels must satisfy properties including: square shape,
  equal sizes, odd sizes, zeros in the middle, etc. By default,
  HiCCUPS-style kernels are recommended based on the binsize.
- Lambda bins are defined for multiple hypothesis  
  testing separately for different value ranges of the locally adjusted expected.
  Currently, log-binned lambda-bins are hardcoded using a pre-defined
  BASE of 2^(1/3). `n_lambda_bins` controls the total number of bins.
  for the `clr`, `expected` and `view` of interest.
- Genomic regions in the specified `view`(all chromosomes by default)  
  are split into smaller tiles of size `tile_size`.
- `scoring_and_histogramming_step()` is performed independently  
  on the genomic tiles. In this step, locally adjusted expected is
  calculated using convolution kernels for each pixel in the tile.
  All surveyed pixels are histogrammed according to their adjusted 
  expected and raw observed counts. Locally adjusted expected is 
  not stored in memory.
- Chunks of histograms are aggregated together and a modified BH-FDR  
  procedure is applied to the result in `determine_thresholds()`.
  This returns thresholds for statistical significance 
  in each lambda-bin (for observed counts), along with the adjusted
  p-values (q-values).
- Calculated thresholds are used to extract statistically significant  
  pixels in `scoring_and_extraction_step()`. Because locally adjusted
  expected is not stored in memory, it is re-caluclated
  during this step, which makes it computationally intensive.
  Locally adjusted expected values are required in order to apply
  different thresholds of significance depending on the lambda-bin.
- Returned filtered pixels, or 'dots', are significantly enriched  
  relative to their locally adjusted expecteds and thus have potential
  biological interest. Dots are further annotated with their 
  genomic coordinates and q-values (adjusted p-values) for
  all applied kernels.
- All further steps perform optional post-processing on called dots

  - enriched pixels that are within `clustering_radius` of each other  
    are clustered together and the brightest one is selected as the
    representative position of a dot.
  - cluster-representatives along with "singletons" (enriched pixels  
    that are not part of any cluster) can be subjected to further
    empirical enrichment filtering in `cluster_filtering_hiccups()`. This 
    both requires clustered dots exceed prescribed enrichment thresholds 
    relative to their local neighborhoods and that singletons pass an 
    even more stringent q-value threshold.

from functools import partial, reduce
import logging
import warnings
import time

from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from scipy.stats import poisson
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import Birch
import cooler

from ..lib.numutils import LazyToeplitz, get_kernel
from ..lib.common import assign_regions, make_cooler_view
from ..lib.checks import (
from ..lib.common import pool_decorator

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning)

# this is to mitigate and parameterize the obs.raw vs count controversy:
observed_count_name = "count"
expected_count_name = "exp.raw"
adjusted_exp_name = lambda kernel_name: f"la_exp.{kernel_name}.value"
nans_inkernel_name = lambda kernel_name: f"la_exp.{kernel_name}.nnans"
bin1_id_name = "bin1_id"
bin2_id_name = "bin2_id"
bedpe_required_cols = [

# define basepairs to bins for clarity
[docs]def bp_to_bins(basepairs, binsize): return int(basepairs / binsize)
[docs]def recommend_kernels(binsize): """ Return a recommended set of convolution kernels for dot-calling based on the resolution, or binsize, of the input data. This function currently recommends the four kernels used in the HiCCUPS method: donut, horizontal, vertical, lowerleft. Kernels are recommended for resolutions near 5 kb, 10 kb, and 25 kb. Dots are not typically visible at lower resolutions (binsize >28kb) and the majority of datasets are too sparse for dot-calling at very high resolutions (<4kb). Given this, default kernels are not recommended for resolutions outside this range. Parameters ---------- binsize : integer binsize of the provided cooler Returns ------- kernels : {str:ndarray} dictionary of convolution kernels as ndarrays, with their names as keys. """ # define "donut" parameters w and p based on the resolution of the data # w is the outside half-width, and p is the internal half-width. if binsize > 28000: raise ValueError( f"Provided cooler has resolution of {binsize} bases," " which is too coarse for automated kernel recommendation." " Provide custom kernels to proceed." ) elif binsize >= 18000: w, p = 3, 1 elif binsize >= 8000: w, p = 5, 2 elif binsize >= 4000: w, p = 7, 4 else: raise ValueError( f"Provided cooler has resolution {binsize} bases," " which is too fine for automated kernel recommendation. Provide custom kernels" " to proceed." ) f"Using recommended donut-based kernels with w={w}, p={p} for binsize={binsize}" ) # standard set of 4 kernels used in Rao et al 2014 # 'upright' is a symmetrical inversion of "lowleft", not needed. kernel_types = ["donut", "vertical", "horizontal", "lowleft"] # generate standard kernels - consider providing custom ones kernels = {k: get_kernel(w, p, k) for k in kernel_types} return kernels
[docs]def is_compatible_kernels(kernels, binsize, max_nans_tolerated): """ TODO implement checks for kernels: - matrices are of the same size - they should be squared (too restrictive ? maybe pad with 0 as needed) - dimensions are odd, to have a center pixel to refer to - they can be turned into int 1/0 ones (too restrictive ? allow weighted kernels ?) - the central pixel should be zero perhaps (unless weights are allowed 4sure) - maybe introduce an upper limit to the size - to avoid crazy long calculations - check relative to the binsize maybe ? what's the criteria ? """ # kernels must be a dict with kernel-names as keys # and kernel ndarrays as values. if not isinstance(kernels, dict): raise ValueError( "'kernels' must be a dictionary" "with name-keys and ndarrays-values." ) # deduce kernel_width - overall footprint kernel_widths = [len(k) for kn, k in kernels.items()] # kernels must have the same width for now: if min(kernel_widths) != max(kernel_widths): raise ValueError(f"all 'kernels' must have the same size, now: {kernel_widths}") # now extract their dimensions: kernel_width = max(kernel_widths) kernel_half_width = (kernel_width - 1) / 2 # former w parameter if (kernel_half_width <= 0) or not kernel_half_width.is_integer(): raise ValueError( f"Size of the convolution kernels has to be odd and > 3, currently {kernel_width}" ) # once kernel parameters are setup check max_nans_tolerated # to make sure kernel footprints overlaping 1 side with the # NaNs filled row/column are not "allowed" if not max_nans_tolerated <= kernel_width: raise ValueError( f"Too many NaNs allowed max_nans_tolerated={max_nans_tolerated}" ) # may lead to scoring the same pixel twice, - i.e. duplicates. # return True if everyhting passes return True
[docs]def annotate_pixels_with_qvalues(pixels_df, qvalues, obs_raw_name=observed_count_name): """ Add columns with the qvalues to a DataFrame of scored pixels Parameters ---------- pixels_df : pandas.DataFrame a DataFrame with pixel coordinates that must have at least 2 columns named 'bin1_id' and 'bin2_id', where first is pixels's row and the second is pixel's column index. qvalues : dict of DataFrames A dictionary with keys being kernel names and values DataFrames storing q-values for each observed count values in each lambda- bin. Colunms are Intervals defined by 'ledges' boundaries. Rows corresponding to a range of observed count values. obs_raw_name : str Name of the column/field that carry number of counts per pixel, i.e. observed raw counts. Returns ------- pixels_qvalue_df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of pixels with additional columns la_exp.{k}.qval, storing q-values (adjusted p-values) corresponding to the count value of a pixel, its kernel, and a lambda-bin it belongs to. """ # do it "safe" - using a copy: pixels_qvalue_df = pixels_df.copy() # columns to return cols = list(pixels_qvalue_df.columns) # will do it efficiently using "melted" qvalues table: for k, qval_df in qvalues.items(): lbins = pd.IntervalIndex(qval_df.columns) pixels_qvalue_df["lbins"] = pd.cut( pixels_qvalue_df[f"la_exp.{k}.value"], bins=lbins ) pixels_qvalue_df = pixels_qvalue_df.merge( # melted qval_df columns: [counts, la_exp.k.value, value] qval_df.melt(ignore_index=False).reset_index(), left_on=[obs_raw_name, "lbins"], right_on=[obs_raw_name, f"la_exp.{k}.value"], suffixes=("", "_"), ) qval_col_name = f"la_exp.{k}.qval" pixels_qvalue_df = pixels_qvalue_df.rename(columns={"value": qval_col_name}) cols.append(qval_col_name) # return q-values annotated pixels return pixels_qvalue_df.loc[:, cols]
[docs]def clust_2D_pixels( pixels_df, threshold_cluster=2, bin1_id_name="bin1_id", bin2_id_name="bin2_id", clust_label_name="c_label", clust_size_name="c_size", ): """ Group significant pixels by proximity using Birch clustering. We use "n_clusters=None", which implies no AgglomerativeClustering, and thus simply reporting "blobs" of pixels of radii <="threshold_cluster" along with corresponding blob-centroids as well. Parameters ---------- pixels_df : pandas.DataFrame a DataFrame with pixel coordinates that must have at least 2 columns named 'bin1_id' and 'bin2_id', where first is pixels's row and the second is pixel's column index. threshold_cluster : int clustering radius for Birch clustering derived from ~40kb radius of clustering and bin size. bin1_id_name : str Name of the 1st coordinate (row index) in 'pixel_df', by default 'bin1_id'. 'start1/end1' could be usefull as well. bin2_id_name : str Name of the 2nd coordinate (column index) in 'pixel_df', by default 'bin2_id'. 'start2/end2' could be usefull as well. clust_label_name : str Name of the cluster of pixels label. "c_label" by default. clust_size_name : str Name of the cluster of pixels size. "c_size" by default. Returns ------- peak_tmp : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with the following columns: [c+bin1_id_name, c+bin2_id_name, clust_label_name, clust_size_name] row/col (bin1/bin2) are coordinates of centroids, label and sizes are unique pixel-cluster labels and their corresponding sizes. """ # col (bin2) must precede row (bin1): pixels = pixels_df[[bin1_id_name, bin2_id_name]].values.astype(np.float64) # added astype(float) to avoid further issues with clustering, as it # turned out start1/start2 genome coordinates could be int32 or int64 # and int32 is not enough for some operations, i.e., integer overflow. pixel_idxs = pixels_df.index # perform BIRCH clustering of pixels: # "n_clusters=None" implies using BIRCH without AgglomerativeClustering, # thus simply reporting "blobs" of pixels of radius "threshold_cluster" # along with blob-centroids as well: brc = Birch( n_clusters=None, threshold=threshold_cluster, # branching_factor=50, (it's default) compute_labels=True, ) # # following is redundant, # # as it's done here: # # # clustered_labels = brc.predict(pixels) # labels of nearest centroid, assigned to each pixel, # BEWARE: labels might not be continuous, i.e., # "np.unique(clustered_labels)" isn't same as "brc.subcluster_labels_", because: # clustered_labels = brc.labels_ # centroid coordinates ( <= len(clustered_labels)): clustered_centroids = brc.subcluster_centers_ # count unique labels and get their continuous indices uniq_labels, inverse_idx, uniq_counts = np.unique( clustered_labels, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True ) # cluster sizes taken to match labels: cluster_sizes = uniq_counts[inverse_idx] # take centroids corresponding to labels (as many as needed): centroids_per_pixel = np.take(clustered_centroids, clustered_labels, axis=0) # clustering message: f"detected {uniq_counts.size} clusters of {uniq_counts.mean():.2f}+/-{uniq_counts.std():.2f} size" ) # create output DataFrame centroids_n_labels_df = pd.DataFrame( centroids_per_pixel, index=pixel_idxs, columns=["c" + bin1_id_name, "c" + bin2_id_name], ) # add labels per pixel: centroids_n_labels_df[clust_label_name] = clustered_labels.astype(np.int64) # add cluster sizes: centroids_n_labels_df[clust_size_name] = cluster_sizes.astype(np.int64) return centroids_n_labels_df
################################## # matrix tiling and tiles-generator ##################################
[docs]def tile_square_matrix(matrix_size, offset, tile_size, pad=0): """ Generate a stream of coordinates of tiles that cover a matrix of a given size. Matrix has to be square, on-digaonal one: e.g. corresponding to a chromosome or a chromosomal arm. Parameters ---------- matrix_size : int Size of a squared matrix offset : int Offset coordinates of generated tiles by 'offset' tile_size : int Requested size of the tiles. Tiles near the right and botoom edges could be rectangular and smaller then 'tile_size' pad : int Small padding around each tile to be included in the yielded coordinates. Yields ------ Pairs of indices/coordinates of every tile: (start_i, end_i), (start_j, end_j) Notes ----- Generated tiles coordinates [start_i,end_i) , [start_i,end_i) can be used to fetch heatmap tiles from cooler: >>> clr.matrix()[start_i:end_i, start_j:end_j] 'offset' is useful when a given matrix is part of a larger matrix (a given chromosome or arm), and thus all coordinated needs to be offset to get absolute coordinates. Tiles are non-overlapping (pad=0), but tiles near the right and bottom edges could be rectangular: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * """ # number of tiles along each axis if matrix_size % tile_size: num_tiles = matrix_size // tile_size + 1 else: num_tiles = matrix_size // tile_size logging.debug( f" matrix {matrix_size}X{matrix_size} to be split into {num_tiles * num_tiles} tiles of {tile_size}X{tile_size}." ) if pad: logging.debug( f" tiles are padded (width={pad}) to enable convolution near the edges" ) # generate 'num_tiles X num_tiles' tiles for ti in range(num_tiles): for tj in range(num_tiles): start_i = max(0, tile_size * ti - pad) start_j = max(0, tile_size * tj - pad) end_i = min(matrix_size, tile_size * (ti + 1) + pad) end_j = min(matrix_size, tile_size * (tj + 1) + pad) yield (start_i + offset, end_i + offset), (start_j + offset, end_j + offset)
[docs]def generate_tiles_diag_band(clr, view_df, pad_size, tile_size, band_to_cover): """ A generator yielding corrdinates of heatmap tiles that are needed to cover the requested band_to_cover around diagonal. Each tile is "padded" with the pad of size 'pad_size' to allow for convolution near the boundary of a tile. Parameters ---------- clr : cooler Cooler object to use to extract chromosome extents. view_df : viewframe Viewframe with genomic regions to process, chrom, start, end, name. pad_size : int Size of padding around each tile. Typically the outer size of the kernel. tile_size : int Size of the heatmap tile. band_to_cover : int Size of the diagonal band to be covered by the generated tiles. Typically correspond to the max_loci_separation for called dots. Returns ------- tile_coords : tuple Generator of tile coordinates, i.e. tuples of three: (region_name, tile_span_i, tile_span_j), where 'tile_span_i/j' each is a tuple of bin ids (bin_start, bin_end). """ for chrom, start, end, region_name in view_df.itertuples(index=False): region_start, region_end = clr.extent((chrom, start, end)) region_size = region_end - region_start for tile_span_i, tile_span_j in tile_square_matrix( matrix_size=region_size, offset=region_start, tile_size=tile_size, pad=pad_size, ): # check if a given tile intersects with # with the diagonal band of interest ... tile_diag_start = tile_span_j[0] - tile_span_i[1] tile_diag_end = tile_span_j[1] - tile_span_i[0] # TODO allow more flexible definition of a band to cover band_start, band_end = 0, band_to_cover # we are using this >2*padding trick to exclude # tiles from the lower triangle from calculations ... if ( min(band_end, tile_diag_end) - max(band_start, tile_diag_start) ) > 2 * pad_size: yield region_name, tile_span_i, tile_span_j
######################################################################## # this is the MAIN function to get locally adjusted expected ########################################################################
[docs]def get_adjusted_expected_tile_some_nans( origin_ij, observed, expected, bal_weights, kernels ): """ Get locally adjusted expected for a collection of local-filters (kernels). Such locally adjusted expected, 'Ek' for a given kernel, can serve as a baseline for deciding whether a given pixel is enriched enough to call it a feature (dot-loop, flare, etc.) in a downstream analysis. For every pixel of interest [i,j], locally adjusted expected is a product of a global expected in that pixel E_bal[i,j] and an enrichment of local environ- ment of the pixel, described with a given kernel: :: KERNEL[i,j](O_bal) Ek_bal[i,j] = E_bal[i,j]* ------------------ KERNEL[i,j](E_bal) where KERNEL[i,j](X) is a result of convolution between the kernel and a slice of matrix X centered around (i,j). See link below for details: Returned values for observed and all expecteds are rescaled back to raw-counts, for the sake of downstream statistical analysis, which is using Poisson test to decide is a given pixel is enriched. (comparison between balanced values using Poisson- test is intractable): :: KERNEL[i,j](O_bal) Ek_raw[i,j] = E_raw[i,j]* ------------------ , KERNEL[i,j](E_bal) where E_raw[i,j] is: :: 1 1 -------------- * -------------- * E_bal[i,j] bal_weights[i] bal_weights[j] Parameters ---------- origin_ij : (int,int) tuple tuple of interegers that specify the location of an observed matrix slice. Measured in bins, not in nucleotides. observed : numpy.ndarray square symmetrical dense-matrix that contains balanced observed O_bal expected : numpy.ndarray square symmetrical dense-matrix that contains expected, calculated based on balanced observed: E_bal. bal_weights : numpy.ndarray or (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) 1D vector used to turn raw observed into balanced observed for a slice of a matrix with the origin_ij on the diagonal; and a tuple/list of a couple of 1D arrays in case it is a slice with an arbitrary origin_ij. kernels : dict of (str, numpy.ndarray) dictionary of kernels/masks to perform convolution of the heatmap. Kernels describe the local environment, and used to estimate baseline for finding enriched/prominent peaks. Peak must be enriched with respect to all local environments (all kernels), to be considered significant. Dictionay keys must contain names for each kernel. Note, scipy.ndimage.convolve first flips kernel and only then applies it to matrix. Returns ------- peaks_df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with the results of locally adjusted calculations for every kernel for a given slice of input matrix. Notes ----- Reported columns: bin1_id - bin1_id index (row), adjusted to tile_start_i bin2_id - bin bin2_id index, adjusted to tile_start_j la_exp - locally adjusted expected (for each kernel) la_nan - number of NaNs around (each kernel's footprint) exp.raw - global expected, rescaled to raw-counts obs.raw(counts) - observed values in raw-counts. Depending on the intial tiling of the interaction matrix, concatened `peaks_df` may require "deduplication", as some pixels can be evaluated in several tiles (e.g. near the tile edges). Default tilitng in the `dots` functions, should avoid this problem. """ # extract origin_ij coordinate of this tile: io, jo = origin_ij # let's extract full matrices and ice_vector: O_raw = observed # raw observed, no need to copy, no modifications. E_bal = np.copy(expected) # 'bal_weights': ndarray or a couple of those ... if isinstance(bal_weights, np.ndarray): v_bal_i = bal_weights v_bal_j = bal_weights elif isinstance(bal_weights, (tuple, list)): v_bal_i, v_bal_j = bal_weights else: raise ValueError( "'bal_weights' must be an numpy.ndarray" "for slices of a matrix with diagonal-origin or" "a tuple/list of a couple of numpy.ndarray-s" "for a slice of matrix with an arbitrary origin." ) # prepare matrix of balancing weights Ci*Cj bal_weights_ij = np.outer(v_bal_i, v_bal_j) # balanced observed, from raw-observed # by element-wise multiply: O_bal = np.multiply(O_raw, bal_weights_ij) # O_bal is separate from O_raw memory-wise. # fill lower triangle of O_bal and E_bal with NaNs # in order to prevent peak calling from the lower triangle # and also to provide fair locally adjusted expected # estimation for pixels very close to diagonal, whose # "donuts"(kernels) would be crossing the main diagonal. # The trickiest thing here would be dealing with the origin_ij: io,jo. O_bal[np.tril_indices_from(O_bal, k=(io - jo) - 1)] = np.nan E_bal[np.tril_indices_from(E_bal, k=(io - jo) - 1)] = np.nan # raw E_bal: element-wise division of E_bal[i,j] and # v_bal[i]*v_bal[j]: E_raw = np.divide(E_bal, bal_weights_ij) # let's calculate a matrix of common NaNs # shared between observed and expected: # check if it's redundant ? (is NaNs from O_bal sufficient? ) N_bal = np.logical_or(np.isnan(O_bal), np.isnan(E_bal)) # fill in common nan-s with zeroes, preventing # NaNs during convolution: O_bal[N_bal] = 0.0 E_bal[N_bal] = 0.0 E_raw[N_bal] = 0.0 # todo: consider filtering those altogether # think about usinf copyto and where functions later: # # # we are going to accumulate all the results # into a DataFrame, keeping NaNs, and other # unfiltered results (even the lower triangle for now): i, j = np.indices(O_raw.shape) # pack it into DataFrame to accumulate results: peaks_df = pd.DataFrame({"bin1_id": i.ravel() + io, "bin2_id": j.ravel() + jo, "count": O_raw.ravel()}) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): for kernel_name, kernel in kernels.items(): ############################### # kernel-specific calculations: ############################### # kernel paramters such as width etc # are taken into account implicitly ... ######################################## # a matrix filled with the kernel-weighted sums # based on a balanced observed matrix: KO = convolve(O_bal, kernel, mode="constant", cval=0.0, origin=0) # a matrix filled with the kernel-weighted sums # based on a balanced expected matrix: KE = convolve(E_bal, kernel, mode="constant", cval=0.0, origin=0) # get number of NaNs in a vicinity of every # pixel (kernel's nonzero footprint) # based on the NaN-matrix N_bal. # N_bal is shared NaNs between O_bal E_bal, NN = convolve( N_bal.astype(np.int64), (kernel != 0).astype(np.int64), # non-zero footprint as kernel mode="constant", cval=1, # NaNs beyond boundaries origin=0, ) ###################################### # using cval=0 for actual data and # cval=1 for NaNs matrix reduces # "boundary issue" to the "number of # NaNs"-issue # #################################### # now finally, E_raw*(KO/KE), as the # locally-adjusted expected with raw counts as values: local_adjustment_factor = np.divide(KO, KE) Ek_raw = np.multiply(E_raw, local_adjustment_factor) logging.debug( f"Convolution with kernel {kernel_name} is done for tile @ {io} {jo}." ) # accumulation into single DataFrame: # store locally adjusted expected for each kernel # and number of NaNs in the footprint of each kernel peaks_df[f"la_exp.{kernel_name}.value"] = Ek_raw.ravel() peaks_df[f"la_exp.{kernel_name}.nnans"] = NN.ravel() # division by KE=0 has to be treated separately: peaks_df[f"safe_division.{kernel_name}"] = np.isfinite(local_adjustment_factor.ravel()) # do all the filter/logic/masking etc on the complete DataFrame ... return peaks_df
################################## # step-specific dot-calling functions ##################################
[docs]def score_tile( tile_cij, clr, expected_indexed, expected_value_col, clr_weight_name, kernels, max_nans_tolerated, band_to_cover, ): """ The main working function that given a tile of a heatmap, applies kernels to perform convolution to calculate locally-adjusted expected and then calculates a p-value for every meaningfull pixel against these locally-adjusted expected (la_exp) values. Parameters ---------- tile_cij : tuple Tuple of 3: region name, tile span row-wise, tile span column-wise: (region, tile_span_i, tile_span_j), where tile_span_i = (start_i, end_i), and tile_span_j = (start_j, end_j). clr : cooler Cooler object to use to extract Hi-C heatmap data. expected_indexed : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with cis-expected, indexed with 'region1', 'region2', 'dist'. expected_value_col : str Name of a value column in expected DataFrame clr_weight_name : str Name of a value column with balancing weights in a cooler.bins() DataFrame. Typically 'weight'. kernels : dict A dictionary with keys being kernels names and values being ndarrays representing those kernels. max_nans_tolerated : int Number of NaNs tolerated in a footprint of every kernel. band_to_cover : int Results would be stored only for pixels connecting loci closer than 'band_to_cover'. Returns ------- res_df : pandas.DataFrame results: annotated pixels with calculated locally adjusted expected for every kernels, observed, precalculated pvalues, number of NaNs in footprint of every kernels, all of that in a form of an annotated pixels DataFrame for eligible pixels of a given tile. """ # unpack tile's coordinates region_name, tile_span_i, tile_span_j = tile_cij tile_start_ij = (tile_span_i[0], tile_span_j[0]) # we have to do it for every tile, because # region_name is not known apriori (maybe move outside) # use .loc[region, region] for symmetric cis regions to conform with expected v1.0 lazy_exp = LazyToeplitz( expected_indexed.loc[region_name, region_name][expected_value_col].to_numpy() ) # RAW observed matrix slice: observed = clr.matrix(balance=False)[slice(*tile_span_i), slice(*tile_span_j)] # expected as a rectangular tile : expected = lazy_exp[slice(*tile_span_i), slice(*tile_span_j)] # slice of balance_weight for row-span and column-span : bal_weight_i = clr.bins()[slice(*tile_span_i)][clr_weight_name].to_numpy() bal_weight_j = clr.bins()[slice(*tile_span_j)][clr_weight_name].to_numpy() # do the convolutions result = get_adjusted_expected_tile_some_nans( origin_ij=tile_start_ij, observed=observed, expected=expected, bal_weights=(bal_weight_i, bal_weight_j), kernels=kernels, ) # Post-processing filters # (0) keep only upper-triangle pixels: upper_band = result["bin1_id"] < result["bin2_id"] # (1) exclude pixels that connect loci further than 'band_to_cover' apart: is_inside_band = result["bin1_id"] > (result["bin2_id"] - band_to_cover) # (2) identify pixels that pass number of NaNs compliance test for ALL kernels: does_comply_nans = np.all( result[[f"la_exp.{k}.nnans" for k in kernels]] < max_nans_tolerated, axis=1 ) # (3) keep pixels without nan/infinite local adjustment factors for all kernel finite_values_only = result[[f"safe_division.{k}" for k in kernels]].all(axis="columns") # so, selecting inside band and nNaNs compliant results: res_df = result[upper_band & is_inside_band & does_comply_nans & finite_values_only].reset_index( drop=True ) # # so return only bare minimum: bin_ids , observed-raw counts # and locally adjusted expected estimates for every kernel return res_df[ ["bin1_id", "bin2_id", "count"] + [f"la_exp.{k}.value" for k in kernels] ].astype(dtype={f"la_exp.{k}.value": "float64" for k in kernels})
[docs]def histogram_scored_pixels( scored_df, kernels, ledges, obs_raw_name=observed_count_name ): """ An attempt to implement HiCCUPS-like lambda-binning statistical procedure. This function aims at building up a histogram of locally adjusted expected scores for groups of characterized pixels. Such histograms are subsequently used to compute FDR thresholds for different "classes" of hypothesis (classified by their locally-adjusted expected (la_exp)). Parameters ---------- scored_df : pd.DataFrame A table with the scoring information for a group of pixels. kernels : dict A dictionary with keys being kernels names and values being ndarrays representing those kernels. ledges : ndarray An ndarray with bin lambda-edges for groupping locally adjusted expecteds, i.e., classifying statistical hypothesis into lambda-bins. Left-most bin (-inf, 1], and right-most one (value,+inf]. obs_raw_name : str Name of the column/field that carry number of counts per pixel, i.e. observed raw counts. Returns ------- hists : dict of pandas.DataFrame A dictionary of pandas.DataFrame with lambda/observed 2D histogram for every kernel-type. Notes ----- returning histograms corresponding to the chunks of scored pixels. """ hists = {} for k in kernels: # we would need to generate a bunch of these histograms for all of the # kernel types: # needs to be lambda-binned : scored_df["la_exp."+k+".value"] # needs to be histogrammed in every bin : scored_df["obs.raw"] # # lambda-bin index for kernel-type "k": lbins = pd.cut(scored_df[f"la_exp.{k}.value"], ledges) # group scored_df by counts and lambda-bins to contructs histograms: hists[k] = ( scored_df.groupby([obs_raw_name, lbins], dropna=False, observed=False)[ f"la_exp.{k}.value" ] .count() .unstack() .fillna(0) .astype(np.int64) ) # return a dict of DataFrames with a bunch of histograms: return hists
[docs]def determine_thresholds(gw_hist, fdr): """ given a 'gw_hist' histogram of observed counts for each lambda-bin and for each kernel-type, and also given a FDR, calculate q-values for each observed count value in each lambda-bin for each kernel-type. Parameters ---------- gw_hist_kernels : dict dictionary {kernel_name : 2D_hist}, where '2D_hist' is a pd.DataFrame fdr : float False Discovery Rate level Returns ------- threshold_df : dict each threshold_df[k] is a Series indexed by la_exp intervals (IntervalIndex) and it is all we need to extract "good" pixels from each chunk ... qvalues : dict A dictionary with keys being kernel names and values pandas.DataFrames storing q-values: each column corresponds to a lambda-bin, while rows correspond to observed pixels values. """ # extracting significantly enriched interactions: # We have our *null* hypothesis: intensity of a HiC pixel is Poisson-distributed # with a certain expected. In this case that would be *locally-adjusted expected*. # # Thus for dot-calling, we could estimate a *p*-value for every pixel based # on its observed intensity and its expected intensity, e.g.: # lambda = la_exp["la_exp."+k+".value"]; pvals = 1.0 - poisson.cdf(la_exp["count"], lambda) # However this is technically challenging (too many pixels - genome wide) and # might not be sensitive enough due to wide dyamic range of interaction counts # Instead we use the *lambda*-binning procedure from Rao et al 2014 to tackle # both technicall challenges and some issues associated with the wide dynamic range # of the expected for the dot-calling (due to distance decay). # # Some extra points: # 1. simple p-value thresholding should be replaced to more "productive" FDR, which is more tractable # 2. "unfair" to treat all pixels with the same stat-testing (multiple hypothesis) - too wide range of "expected" # 3. (2) is addressed by spliting the pixels in the groups by their localy adjusted expected - lambda-bins # 4. upper boundary of each lambda-bin is used as expected for every pixel that belongs to the chunk: # - for technical/efficiency reasons - test pixels in a chunk all at once # for each lambda-bin q-values are calculated in an efficient way: # in part, efficiency comes from collapsing identical observed values, i.e. histogramming # also upper boundary of each lambda-bin is used as an expected for every pixel in this lambda-bin qvalues = {} threshold_df = {} for k, _hist in gw_hist.items(): # Reverse cumulative histogram for kernel 'k'. rcs_hist = _hist.iloc[::-1].cumsum(axis=0).iloc[::-1] # 1st row of 'rcs_hist' contains total pixels-counts in each lambda-bin. norm = rcs_hist.iloc[0, :] # Assign a unit Poisson distribution to each lambda-bin. # The expected value 'lambda' is the upper boundary of each lambda-bin: # poisson.sf = 1 - poisson.cdf, but more precise # poisson.sf(-1, lambda) == 1.0, i.e. is equivalent to the # poisson.pmf(rcs_hist.index, lambda)[::-1].cumsum()[::-1] # unit Poisson is a collection of 1-CDF distributions for each l-chunk # same dimensions as rcs_hist - matching lchunks and observed values: unit_Poisson = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(rcs_hist) for lbin in rcs_hist.columns: # Number of occurances in Poisson distribution for which we estimate _occurances = rcs_hist.index.to_numpy() unit_Poisson[lbin] = poisson.sf(_occurances, lbin.right) # normalize unit-Poisson distr for the total pixel counts per lambda-bin unit_Poisson = norm * unit_Poisson # Determine the threshold by checking the value at which 'fdr_diff' # first turns positive. Fill NaNs with a high value, that's out of reach. _high_value = rcs_hist.index.max() + 1 fdr_diff = ((fdr * rcs_hist) - unit_Poisson).cummax() # cummax ensures monotonic increase of differences threshold_df[k] = ( fdr_diff.mask(fdr_diff < 0) # mask negative with nans .idxmin() # index of the first positive difference .fillna(_high_value) # set high threshold if no pixels pass .astype(np.int64) ) qvalues[k] = (unit_Poisson / rcs_hist).cummin() # run cumulative min, on the array of adjusted p-values # to make sure q-values are monotonously decreasing with pvals qvalues[k] = qvalues[k].mask(qvalues[k] > 1.0, 1.0) # cast categorical index of dtype-interval to proper interval index threshold_df[k].index = pd.IntervalIndex(threshold_df[k].index) return threshold_df, qvalues
[docs]def extract_scored_pixels(scored_df, thresholds, ledges, obs_raw_name=observed_count_name): """ Implementation of HiCCUPS-like lambda-binning statistical procedure. Use FDR thresholds for different "classes" of hypothesis (classified by their locally-adjusted expected (la_exp) scores), in order to extract "enriched" pixels. Parameters ---------- scored_df : pd.DataFrame A table with the scoring information for a group of pixels. thresholds : dict A dictionary {kernel_name : lambda_thresholds}, where 'lambda_thresholds' are pd.Series with FDR thresholds indexed by lambda-bin intervals ledges : ndarray An ndarray with bin lambda-edges for groupping locally adjusted expecteds, i.e., classifying statistical hypothesis into lambda-bins. Left-most bin (-inf, 1], and right-most one (value,+inf]. obs_raw_name : str Name of the column/field with number of counts per pixel, i.e. observed raw counts. Returns ------- scored_df_slice : pandas.DataFrame Filtered DataFrame of pixels that satisfy thresholds. """ compliant_pixel_masks = [] for kernel_name, threshold in thresholds.items(): # locally adjusted expected (lambda) of the scored pixels: lambda_of_pixels = scored_df[f"la_exp.{kernel_name}.value"] # find indices of lambda-bins where pixels belong, using exact ledges lbin_idx = pd.cut(lambda_of_pixels, ledges, labels=False) # extract threholds for every pixel, based on lambda-bin each of the belongs threshold_of_pixels = threshold.iloc[lbin_idx] compliant_pixel_masks.append( scored_df[obs_raw_name].to_numpy() >= threshold_of_pixels.to_numpy() ) # return pixels from 'scored_df' that satisfy FDR thresholds for all kernels: return scored_df[np.all(compliant_pixel_masks, axis=0)]
[docs]def clustering_step( scored_df, dots_clustering_radius, assigned_regions_name="region", obs_raw_name=observed_count_name, ): """ Group together adjacent significant pixels into clusters after the lambda-binning multiple hypothesis testing by iterating over assigned regions and calling `clust_2D_pixels`. Parameters ---------- scored_df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with enriched pixels that are ready to be clustered and are annotated with their genomic coordinates. dots_clustering_radius : int Birch-clustering threshold. assigned_regions_name : str | None Name of the column in scored_df to use for grouping pixels before clustering. When None, full chromosome clustering is done. obs_raw_name : str name of the column with raw observed pixel counts Returns ------- centroids : pandas.DataFrame Pixels from 'scored_df' annotated with clustering information. Notes ----- 'dots_clustering_radius' in Birch clustering algorithm corresponds to a double the clustering radius in the "greedy"-clustering used in HiCCUPS """ # make sure provided pixels are annotated with genomic corrdinates and raw counts column is present: if not {"chrom1", "chrom2", "start1", "start2", obs_raw_name}.issubset(scored_df): raise ValueError("Scored pixels provided for clustering are not annotated") scored_df = scored_df.copy() if ( not assigned_regions_name in scored_df.columns ): # If input scores are not annotated by regions: logging.warning( f"No regions assigned to the scored pixels before clustering, using chromosomes" ) scored_df[assigned_regions_name] = np.where( scored_df["chrom1"] == scored_df["chrom2"], scored_df["chrom1"], np.nan ) # cluster within each regions separately and accumulate the result: pixel_clust_list = [] scored_pixels_by_region = scored_df.groupby(assigned_regions_name, observed=True) for region, _df in scored_pixels_by_region:"clustering enriched pixels in region: {region}") # Using genomic corrdinated for clustering, not bin_id pixel_clust = clust_2D_pixels( _df, threshold_cluster=dots_clustering_radius, bin1_id_name="start1", bin2_id_name="start2", ) pixel_clust_list.append(pixel_clust)"Clustering is complete") # concatenate clustering results ... # indexing information persists here ... if not pixel_clust_list: logging.warning("No clusters found for any regions! Output will be empty") empty_output = pd.DataFrame( [], columns=list(scored_df.columns) + [ assigned_regions_name + "1", assigned_regions_name + "2", "c_label", "c_size", "cstart1", "cstart2", ], ) return empty_output # Empty dataframe with the same columns as anticipated else: pixel_clust_df = pd.concat( pixel_clust_list, ignore_index=False ) # Concatenate the clustering results for different regions # now merge pixel_clust_df and scored_df DataFrame ... # TODO make a more robust merge here df = pd.merge( scored_df, pixel_clust_df, how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True ) # TODO check if next str-cast is neccessary df[assigned_regions_name + "1"] = df[assigned_regions_name].astype(str) df[assigned_regions_name + "2"] = df[assigned_regions_name].astype(str) # report only centroids with highest Observed: chrom_clust_group = df.groupby( [assigned_regions_name + "1", assigned_regions_name + "2", "c_label"], observed=True, ) centroids = df.loc[ chrom_clust_group[obs_raw_name].idxmax() ] # Select the brightest pixel in the cluster return centroids
[docs]def cluster_filtering_hiccups( centroids, obs_raw_name=observed_count_name, enrichment_factor_vh=1.5, enrichment_factor_d_and_ll=1.75, enrichment_factor_d_or_ll=2.0, FDR_orphan_threshold=0.02, ): """ Centroids of enriched pixels can be filtered to further minimize the amount of false-positive dot-calls. First, centroids are filtered on enrichment relative to the locally-adjusted expected for the "donut", "lowleft", "vertical", and "horizontal" kernels. Additionally, singleton pixels (i.e. pixels that do not belong to a cluster) are filtered based on a combined q-values for all kernels. This empirical filtering approach was developed in Rao et al 2014 and results in a conservative dot-calls with the low rate of false-positive calls. Parameters ---------- centroids : pd.DataFrame DataFrame that stores enriched and clustered pixels. obs_raw_name : str name of the column with raw observed pixel counts enrichment_factor_vh : float minimal enrichment factor for pixels relative to both "vertical" and "horizontal" kernel. enrichment_factor_d_and_ll : float minimal enrichment factor for pixels relative to both "donut" and "lowleft" kernels. enrichment_factor_d_or_ll : float minimal enrichment factor for pixels relative to either "donut" or" "lowleft" kenels. FDR_orphan_threshold : float minimal combined q-value for singleton pixels. Returns ------- filtered_centroids : pd.DataFrame filtered dot-calls """ # make sure input DataFrame of pixels has been clustered: if not "c_size" in centroids: raise ValueError(f"input dataframe of pixels does not seem to be clustered") # make sure input DataFrame of pixels has been annotated with genomic coordinates and raw counts column is present: if not {"chrom1", "chrom2", "start1", "start2", obs_raw_name}.issubset(centroids): raise ValueError( "input dataframe of clustered pixels provided for filtering is not annotated" ) # make sureinput DataFrame of pixels was scored using 4-hiccups kernels (donut, lowleft, vertical, horizontal): _hiccups_kernel_cols_set = { "la_exp.donut.value", "la_exp.vertical.value", "la_exp.horizontal.value", "la_exp.lowleft.value", # and q-values as well "la_exp.donut.qval", "la_exp.vertical.qval", "la_exp.horizontal.qval", "la_exp.lowleft.qval", } # make sure input DataFrame of pixels has been annotated with genomic coordinates and raw counts column is present: if not _hiccups_kernel_cols_set.issubset(centroids): raise ValueError( "clustered pixels provided for filtering were not scored with 4 hiccups kernels" ) # ad hoc filtering by enrichment, FDR for singletons etc. # employed in Rao et al 2014 HiCCUPS enrichment_fdr_comply = ( ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_d_and_ll * centroids["la_exp.lowleft.value"] ) & ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_d_and_ll * centroids["la_exp.donut.value"] ) & ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_vh * centroids["la_exp.vertical.value"] ) & ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_vh * centroids["la_exp.horizontal.value"] ) & ( ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_d_or_ll * centroids["la_exp.lowleft.value"] ) | ( centroids[obs_raw_name] > enrichment_factor_d_or_ll * centroids["la_exp.donut.value"] ) ) & ( (centroids["c_size"] > 1) | ( ( centroids["la_exp.lowleft.qval"] + centroids["la_exp.donut.qval"] + centroids["la_exp.vertical.qval"] + centroids["la_exp.horizontal.qval"] ) <= FDR_orphan_threshold ) ) ) f"filtered {enrichment_fdr_comply.sum()} out of {len(centroids)} centroids to reduce the number of false-positives" ) # use "enrichment_fdr_comply" to filter out non-satisfying pixels: return centroids[enrichment_fdr_comply].reset_index(drop=True)
#################################################################### # large helper functions wrapping smaller step-specific ones ####################################################################
[docs]@pool_decorator def scoring_and_histogramming_step( clr, expected_indexed, expected_value_col, clr_weight_name, tiles, kernels, ledges, max_nans_tolerated, loci_separation_bins, nproc, map_functor=map, ): """ This implements the 1st step of the lambda-binning scoring procedure - histogramming. In short, this pipes a scoring operation together with histogramming into a single pipeline of per-chunk operations/transforms. """"convolving {len(tiles)} tiles to build histograms for lambda-bins") # to score per tile: to_score = partial( score_tile, clr=clr, expected_indexed=expected_indexed, expected_value_col=expected_value_col, clr_weight_name=clr_weight_name, kernels=kernels, max_nans_tolerated=max_nans_tolerated, band_to_cover=loci_separation_bins, ) # to hist per scored chunk: to_hist = partial(histogram_scored_pixels, kernels=kernels, ledges=ledges) # compose scoring and histogramming together : job = lambda tile: to_hist(to_score(tile)) # standard multiprocessing implementation if nproc > 1: map_kwargs = dict(chunksize=int(np.ceil(len(tiles) / nproc))) else: map_kwargs = {} # consider using # histogram_chunks = map_functor(job, tiles, **map_kwargs) # now we need to combine/sum all of the histograms for different kernels: def _sum_hists(hx, hy): # perform a DataFrame summation for every value of the dictionary: hxy = {} for k in kernels: hxy[k] = hx[k].add(hy[k], fill_value=0).fillna(0).astype(np.int64) # returning the sum: return hxy # TODO consider more efficient implementation to accumulate histograms: final_hist = reduce(_sum_hists, histogram_chunks) # we have to make sure there is nothing in the last lambda-bin # this is a temporary implementation detail, until we implement dynamic lambda-bins for k in kernels: last_lambda_bin = final_hist[k].iloc[:, -1] if last_lambda_bin.sum() != 0: raise ValueError( f"There are la_exp.{k}.value in {}, please check the histogram" ) # last non-empty lambda bin (column) last_non_empty_lbin = final_hist[k].columns[final_hist[k].sum() > 0][-1] # drop trailing empty lambda bins (columns) final_hist[k] = final_hist[k].loc[:, :last_non_empty_lbin] # make sure index (observed pixels counts) is sorted if not final_hist[k].index.is_monotonic_increasing: raise ValueError(f"Histogram for {k}-kernel is not sorted") # returning filtered histogram return final_hist
[docs]@pool_decorator def scoring_and_extraction_step( clr, expected_indexed, expected_value_col, clr_weight_name, tiles, kernels, ledges, thresholds, max_nans_tolerated, loci_separation_bins, nproc, bin1_id_name="bin1_id", bin2_id_name="bin2_id", map_functor=map, ): """ This implements the 2nd step of the lambda-binning scoring procedure, extracting pixels that are FDR compliant. In short, this combines scoring with with extraction into a single pipeline of per-chunk operations/transforms. """"convolving {len(tiles)} tiles to extract enriched pixels") # to score per tile: to_score = partial( score_tile, clr=clr, expected_indexed=expected_indexed, expected_value_col=expected_value_col, clr_weight_name=clr_weight_name, kernels=kernels, max_nans_tolerated=max_nans_tolerated, band_to_cover=loci_separation_bins, ) # to hist per scored chunk: to_extract = partial( extract_scored_pixels, thresholds=thresholds, ledges=ledges, ) # compose scoring and histogramming together job = lambda tile: to_extract(to_score(tile)) # standard multiprocessing implementation if nproc > 1:"creating a Pool of {nproc} workers to tackle {len(tiles)} tiles") map_kwargs = dict(chunksize=int(np.ceil(len(tiles) / nproc))) else:"fallback to serial implementation.") map_kwargs = {} # TODO: try using cooler.parallel.MultiplexDataPipe for pipelining the steps filtered_pix_chunks = map_functor(job, tiles, **map_kwargs) significant_pixels = pd.concat(filtered_pix_chunks, ignore_index=True) # same pixels should never be scored >1 times with the current tiling of the interactions matrix if significant_pixels.duplicated().any(): raise ValueError( f"Some pixels were scored more than one time, matrix tiling procedure is not correct" ) # sort the result just in case and drop its index: return significant_pixels.sort_values(by=[bin1_id_name, bin2_id_name]).reset_index( drop=True )
# user-friendly high-level API function
[docs]def dots( clr, expected, expected_value_col="balanced.avg", clr_weight_name="weight", view_df=None, kernels=None, max_loci_separation=10_000_000, max_nans_tolerated=1, # test if this has desired behavior n_lambda_bins=40, # update this eventually lambda_bin_fdr=0.1, clustering_radius=20_000, cluster_filtering=None, tile_size=5_000_000, nproc=1, ): """ Call dots on a cooler {clr}, using {expected} defined in regions specified in {view_df}. All convolution kernels specified in {kernels} will be all applied to the {clr}, and statistical testing will be performed separately for each kernel. A convolutional kernel is a small squared matrix (e.g. 7x7) of zeros and ones that defines a "mask" to extract local expected around each pixel. Since the enrichment is calculated relative to the central pixel, kernel width should be an odd number >=3. Parameters ---------- clr : cooler.Cooler A cooler with balanced Hi-C data. expected : DataFrame in expected format Diagonal summary statistics for each chromosome, and name of the column with the values of expected to use. expected_value_col : str Name of the column in expected that holds the values of expected clr_weight_name : str Name of the column in the clr.bins to use as balancing weights. Using raw unbalanced data is not supported for dot-calling. view_df : viewframe Viewframe with genomic regions, at the moment the view has to match the view used for generating expected. If None, generate from the cooler. kernels : { str:np.ndarray } | None A dictionary of convolution kernels to be used for calculating locally adjusted expected. If None the default kernels from HiCCUPS are going to be recommended based on the resolution of the cooler. max_loci_separation : int Miaximum loci separation for dot-calling, i.e., do not call dots for loci that are further than max_loci_separation basepair apart. default 10Mb. max_nans_tolerated : int Maximum number of NaNs tolerated in a footprint of every used kernel Adjust with caution, as large max_nans_tolerated, might lead to artifacts in pixels scoring. n_lambda_bins : int Number of log-spaced bins, where FDR-testing will be performed independently. TODO: generate lambda-bins on the fly based on the dynamic range of the data (i.e. maximum pixel count) lambda_bin_fdr : float False discovery rate (FDR) for multiple hypothesis testing BH-FDR procedure, applied per lambda bin. clustering_radius : None | int Cluster enriched pixels with a given radius. "Brightest" pixels in each group will be reported as the final dot-calls. If None, no clustering is performed. cluster_filtering : bool whether to apply additional filtering to centroids after clustering, using cluster_filtering_hiccups() tile_size : int Tile size for the Hi-C heatmap tiling. Typically on order of several mega-bases, and <= max_loci_separation. Controls tradeoff between memory consumption and speed of execution. nproc : int Number of processes to use for multiprocessing. Returns ------- dots : pandas.DataFrame BEDPE-style dataFrame with genomic coordinates of called dots and additional annotations. Notes ----- 'clustering_radius' in Birch clustering algorithm corresponds to a double the clustering radius in the "greedy"-clustering used in HiCCUPS (to be tested). TODO describe sequence of processing steps """ #### Generate viewframes #### if view_df is None: view_df = make_cooler_view(clr) else: try: _ = is_compatible_viewframe( view_df, clr, check_sorting=True, raise_errors=True, ) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("view_df is not a valid viewframe or incompatible") from e # check balancing status if clr_weight_name: # check if cooler is balanced try: _ = is_cooler_balanced(clr, clr_weight_name, raise_errors=True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"provided cooler is not balanced or {clr_weight_name} is missing" ) from e else: raise ValueError("calling dots on raw data is not supported.") # add checks to make sure cis-expected is symmetric # make sure provided expected is compatible try: _ = is_valid_expected( expected, "cis", view_df, verify_cooler=clr, expected_value_cols=[ expected_value_col, ], raise_errors=True, ) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("provided expected is not compatible") from e expected = expected.set_index(["region1", "region2", "dist"]).sort_index() # Prepare some parameters. binsize = clr.binsize loci_separation_bins = bp_to_bins(max_loci_separation, binsize) tile_size_bins = bp_to_bins(tile_size, binsize) # verify provided kernels or recommend them (HiCCUPS)... if kernels and is_compatible_kernels(kernels, binsize, max_nans_tolerated): warnings.warn( "Compatibility checks for 'kernels' are not fully implemented yet, use at your own risk" ) else: # recommend them (default hiccups ones for now) kernels = recommend_kernels(binsize) # deduce kernel_width - overall footprint kernel_width = max(len(k) for k in kernels.values()) # 2*w+1 kernel_half_width = int((kernel_width - 1) / 2) # former w parameter # try to guess required lambda bins using "max" value of pixel counts # statistical: lambda-binning edges ... if not 40 <= n_lambda_bins <= 50: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible n_lambda_bins={n_lambda_bins}") BASE = 2 ** (1 / 3) # very arbitrary - parameterize ! ledges = np.concatenate( ( [-np.inf], np.logspace( 0, n_lambda_bins - 1, num=n_lambda_bins, base=BASE, dtype=np.float64, ), [np.inf], ) ) # list of tile coordinate ranges tiles = list( generate_tiles_diag_band( clr, view_df, kernel_half_width, tile_size_bins, loci_separation_bins ) ) # 1. Calculate genome-wide histograms of scores. time_start = time.perf_counter() gw_hist = scoring_and_histogramming_step( clr, expected, expected_value_col=expected_value_col, clr_weight_name=clr_weight_name, tiles=tiles, kernels=kernels, ledges=ledges, max_nans_tolerated=max_nans_tolerated, loci_separation_bins=loci_separation_bins, nproc=nproc, ) elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - time_start"Done building histograms in {elapsed_time:.3f} sec ...") # 2. Determine the FDR thresholds. threshold_df, qvalues = determine_thresholds(gw_hist, lambda_bin_fdr)"Determined thresholds for every lambda-bin ...") # 3. Filter using FDR thresholds calculated in the histogramming step time_start = time.perf_counter() filtered_pixels = scoring_and_extraction_step( clr, expected, expected_value_col=expected_value_col, clr_weight_name=clr_weight_name, tiles=tiles, kernels=kernels, ledges=ledges, thresholds=threshold_df, max_nans_tolerated=max_nans_tolerated, loci_separation_bins=loci_separation_bins, nproc=nproc, bin1_id_name="bin1_id", bin2_id_name="bin2_id", ) elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - time_start"Done extracting enriched pixels in {elapsed_time:.3f} sec ...") # 4. Post-processing"Begin post-processing of {len(filtered_pixels)} filtered pixels")"preparing to extract needed q-values ...") # annotate enriched pixels filtered_pixels_qvals = annotate_pixels_with_qvalues(filtered_pixels, qvalues) filtered_pixels_annotated = cooler.annotate( filtered_pixels_qvals, clr.bins()[["chrom", "start", "end"]], replace=True ) if not clustering_radius: # TODO: make sure returned DataFrame has the same columns as "postprocessed_calls" # columns to return before-clustering output_cols = [] output_cols += bedpe_required_cols output_cols += [ observed_count_name, ] output_cols += [f"la_exp.{k}.value" for k in kernels] output_cols += [f"la_exp.{k}.qval" for k in kernels] return filtered_pixels_annotated[output_cols] # 4a. clustering # Clustering is done independently for every region, therefore regions must be assigned: filtered_pixels_annotated = assign_regions(filtered_pixels_annotated, view_df) centroids = clustering_step( filtered_pixels_annotated, clustering_radius, ).reset_index(drop=True) # columns to return post-clustering output_cols = [] output_cols += bedpe_required_cols output_cols += [ "cstart1", "cstart2", "c_label", "c_size", observed_count_name, ] output_cols += [f"la_exp.{k}.value" for k in kernels] output_cols += [f"la_exp.{k}.qval" for k in kernels] # 4b. filter by enrichment and qval if (cluster_filtering is None) or cluster_filtering: # default - engage HiCCUPS filtering postprocessed_calls = cluster_filtering_hiccups(centroids) elif not cluster_filtering: postprocessed_calls = centroids return postprocessed_calls